Volume 4.5: Fate

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Waring I release chapter 11 yesterday if you haven't read it yet





Chapter 12

9th August \ Sixth day of the vacation

Third Person Pov:

The date had just changed to August 9th, and the vacation aboard the cruise ship was slowly coming to an end.

It was past midnight, and most students were likely already asleep. In the last-night bar lounge, which was only available to adults, three people had met up.

Hoshinomiya: Ahhh I'm so tired. Why do we teachers have to work so late? My skin will get all rough. We need summer vacation too~~

Hoshinomiya just complained as she slumped her face down on the bar counter.

Chabashira: You've had more than enough rest. The school gave us two free days to take a break.

Hoshinomiya: That's still only two days...plus the treasure hunt bonus game organized yesterday added more work...I want my bonus~~

Chabashira: I might understand how you feel, but we're working people nowadays, Chie. We don't get long summer vacations like students anymore.

Chabashira, sitting to the right of Hoshinomiya, tried to reason with her, but she just sighed heavily.

Mashima: Considering the effort the students just put in for the two weeks on an uninhabited island, it's not a big deal.

Mashima, sitting between the two of them, took Chabashira's side and tried to reason with Hoshinomiya as well.

Hoshinomiya: Sighs...Don't force reality on me...I don't wanna hear it!

Acting like a kid, Hoshinomiya covered both ears with her hands and shook her head in refusal.

Hoshinomiya: At least let me have a vacation on this ship. It's unfair that the students have access to the pool, the movies, and everything else while we get nothing, right?

Mashima: That's what it means to have a job.

Chabashira: That's normal when you're a working adult Chie.

Hoshinomiya: I don't want to hear it!!!

She then raised her left hand and started waving at the man working behind the bar.

Hoshinomiya: Please give me a drink strong enough for me to escape from reality!!!

Chabashira: Sighs...seriously, you'll never change.

Mashima and Chabashira also ordered drinks, and when they all had theirs, they tipped glasses and toasted.

Mashima: But this time's special exam had a lot of strangely rough developments. There were too many unplanned incidents.

Hoshinomiya: Of course. There were two students severely injured, and the watch malfunctions were obviously the result of the students doing what they liked.

Chabashira: Moreover, to think that only third-year students would be expelled... many things happened that we didn't expect.

Hoshinomiya took a sip of her drink and once again sighed heavily.

Hoshinomiya: I still think giving students too much freedom was a problem. There haven't been reports, but I'm sure there were some guys and girls doing that in places where they wouldn't be seen...

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