Volume 2: Question

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Chapter 7

Touma Pov:

A few days passed since the meeting between all the classes, and we were now on the 6th of July. There were only 10 days remaining for the formation of groups and we were also approaching our summer vacation closely...but also of the special exam.

After the meeting, we quickly agreed that Takuya, Riku and Osamu would form the group with our best element but it was formalized yesterday.

Yagami Takuya, Takahashi Osamu, Utomiya Riku and finally Asahina Takeo will form the group targeting the top ranking. In the end, Hosen refused to be part of this group and sent one of his closest guys, Asahina. His OAA isn't amazing aside from his great physical ability score...but since Hosen insisted that Asahina was the one joining this group Takuya and Osamu agreed without complaining.

On his side, Hosen decided to form another group...the composition of it surprised me. Hosen Kazomi, Nanase Tsubasa and finally Amasawa Ichika. A girl from the 1-A and someone close to Gou from what I heard. I never interacted with her, but I ended up crossing paths with her more than one time...it almost feels like it wasn't due to chance...There was also that time when Yato asked me to open the main door of our dorm, and I saw him talking with this girl, Amasawa. The fact Hosen decided to pair up with her is quite odd and suspicious...

But my real concern is more for Nanase...

Touma: ...

As I was standing in the hallway looking at the OAA app and the group already formed I started to wonder if I should reach Nanase about all this...even more after our last talk as she seemed concerned with something.

My opinion of the girl named Nanase Tsubasa is quite positive from what I managed to see...That's why, why someone like her would tell me to stay away from her? 

Touma: ...

But as I was lost in my thoughts thinking about all this...

???: Fukazawa-kun!

Hearing this voice, I closed my phone and started looking on my left. I saw a single girl walking toward me...she was quite recognizable by her silver hair, which was quite uncommon...

Touma: Kujou-san, Good morning!

I greeted her with a smile as she walked to me...

Kujou: I am sorry to bother you that early in the morning...

Touma: Do not worry about this...it's my pleasure if I can help!

As she mentioned, it was quite early... The class wasn't about to start, but this morning, I came earlier at the request of Kujou Alisa one of my classmates.

Kujou: I know...it's just...

Seeing her having difficulty admitting and asking for help just made me smile.

Touma: Don't worry Kujou-san...Nagumo-senpai has a tight schedule. Asking for a bit of his time wasn't a problem at all. Now, it will be up to you to prove that you have what is needed to enter into the Student Council!

Kujou: !!!

Her eyes widened as she understood that I probably saw through her...but she quickly regained her calm and nodded.

Kujou: I see...thank you for your help, Fukazawa-kun. I'll do my best from now on!

Touma: That's great to hear...then let's head toward Nagumo-senpai's office.

She nodded, and we both started walking toward the Student Council Room.

Kujou Alisa, a classmate of mine who quickly gained some attention from our classmates because of her attitude and her appearance. But after being her classmate for more than three months, there was one word that I think would describe the person she is...Hardworking.

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