Volume 3: The Seeds of Unrest

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Warning I released chapter 8 yesterday if you haven't read it yet





Chapter 9

Sakayanagi Pov:

We were the seventh day of the special, and after waking up around the same hour, I walked out of my tent and started looking at the sky.

Sakayanagi: It's quite cloudy today...

Shortly after, just before the first designated area was announced, I received a message on my tablet saying that the school may postpone the exam due to worsening weather conditions.

As I remained close to my tent, looking at my surroundings, I noticed my teacher, Mashima-sensei, walking by...

Sakayanagi: Good morning, Mashima-sensei.

Bored, I greeted him, and he immediately stopped and nodded.

Mashima: Good morning Sakayanagi...

He seemed busy with something but still stopped to greet me.

Mashima: You probably already saw the message from the school, but the exam might be put on hold if the weather gets worse. That's why I recommend you stay around and avoid the beach for the day.

Sakayanagi: You are probably right...

Due to my condition, moving too far away from my tent and the camp might not be the best thing to do.

It was quite a deception not even to be able to enjoy the beach, but expecting 14 days without a cloudy day was quite unrealistic.

Mashima: I must go, but if you need something just tell me...

I just smiled

Sakayanagi: Thank you. I appreciate it.

He nodded and walked away...Mashima-sensei was someone who put the safety and well-being of his students before anything else. That's why he was the best choice for Ayanakoji-kun. He wasn't someone who would start working for someone like Tsukishiro.

Sakayanagi: But now...

Ichinose-san met Hashimoto's group yesterday and formed a larger group...they should be able to make simple decisions without my help and consult me.

I thought I could enjoy the beach today as well, but it seems it will be a boring day.

Sakayanagi: Well...

I just started smiling and walking toward another tent that wasn't mine...

Sakayanagi: At least I'm not the only one stuck here and who'll be bored...

Already delighted that my day wouldn't be as bad as I thought, I approached Fukazawa-kun's tent.

It was already 7:00 a.m. Ichinose-san and the others already left for their designated area. Fukazawa-kun woke up quite late during the first days but also started waking up quite early in the morning in the last few days...there might be a chance that he's already awake.

Sakayanagi: Fukazawa-kun?

I called his name in front of his tent but obtained no answers...

Sakayanagi: Is he sleeping?

I hesitated, wondering if I should just come back later...but I just froze there a moment in front of his tent.

Sakayanagi: ...

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