Volume 4: Beginning of the hunt

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Chapter 7

Third-person Pov:

Let's rewind the timeline just a bit, all the way back to the ninth day of the exam, the day just after the rainstorm, when Nanase first left Ayanokoji's side.

Hosen, despite technically being part of a group of three, had been acting on his own since day one. It was already 7:00 AM, but Hosen was simply relaxing in his tent despite the fact that his first designated area had been announced.

This continued until just after 8:00 AM when a lone individual approached Hosen's tent and called out to him.

Nanase: Good morning, Hosen-kun.

Hosen: Haaa?

Nanase: It's me, Nanase.

Hosen: I can tell that by your voice, dipshit. Why are you here?

Nanase: Why am I here? We're in the same group, it's only natural that we'd stay in contact.

Nanase's response was serious, but Hosen let out a scornful laugh upon hearing it.

Hosen: You really gonna say that? It seems like you had one hell of a time together with Ayanokoji... Do you have any results to show for it?

Nanase: No... I don't. In the end, I was no match for him.

Hosen: Ha! A chick like you really went and challenged him head-on? Without even using those feminine 'assets' of yours?

Nanase: Assets...? What assets?

Hosen continued, exasperated by Nanase's inability to follow along with his logic.

Hosen: For fuck's sake... Your tits are huge and yet you're fucking dumb in the head.

Nanase: Uhm, I don't quite understand the correlation you're implying between the breasts and the brain.

Hosen: ...

Hosen appeared to be annoyed as he shook his head a few times before speaking again.

Hosen: Whatever, nevermind. Anyways, you came all the way here just to tell me you failed?

Hosen took out his tablet and immediately ran a GPS Search.

Since he didn't know if somebody had followed Nanase all the way out here, he felt it necessary to run a quick check on the surrounding area. However, there didn't seem to be anyone worth worrying about nearby.

Nanase: My plan to force Ayanokoji-senpai's expulsion on my own ended in failure. That's why I decided to come here and ask you to lend me your strength, Hosen-kun. If you have a plan, please let me in on it.

Nanase had taken action all on her own and was only now trying to come back and buddy up again, so Hosen didn't exactly trust her here. Well, to be precise, Hosen wasn't exactly the type to trust anybody in the first place.

Hosen: Leave. I'll handle it myself.

Nanase: I will gladly wait here with you until you change your mind.

Hosen: How about you just get your ass to the designated area instead? Make yourself useful and prevent us from getting a penalty.

Despite his best attempt to drive her away, Nanase had no intention of leaving.

So, he decided instead to simply ignore her as he shut his eyes and continued to lounge around inside his tent.

Nanase: Hosen-kun, have you perhaps gathered with someone yesterday?

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