Volume 4: All-out battle

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Chapter 8

Sakayanagi Pov:

Sakayanagi: What a beautiful day.

Looking at the scenery of the sea shimmering with a diamond-like beauty, I took a sip of water.

The first-year started putting their strategy into action around 7:00 a.m. this morning. 

Three days earlier, on the night of the tenth day of the exam, I had received a call from Takemoto's group, whom I had previously entrusted with one of our walkie-talkies.

He ended up encountering Ayanokoji-kun after an incident, and this last one asked for my help. He revealed the bounty on his head and how many first-years would try to expel him to get their hands on that bounty.

As the one closest to Ayanokoji-kun and the only one who knows where he came from, I immediately agreed to help him with that situation.

Not that he wasn't able to handle this matter himself, but there was still that man named Tsukishiro to be wary of. He prefers being focused on that man and letting me handle these first-year students.

I was happy he was asking for my help, but I also couldn't slip that chance to obtain a favor from Ayanokoji-kun himself.

Sakayanagi: Yagami Takuya-kun, Utomiya Riku-kun, Masachika Kuze-kun, Tsubaki Sakurako-san...I wonder which one is truly my opponent here? Or perhaps it's all four of them?

Rather amused by the situation, I was looking at my tablet, wondering which one of them was the one leading the operation.

[Tsukasaki]: Sakayanagi-san!

As I was looking at my tablet, A listless-sounding voice came back through the walkie-talkie. The speaker was none other than my classmate, Tsukasaki.

[Tsukasaki]: As we were trying to interfere with the first-year and the tasks, we've been retarded by third-year students this time.

Hearing this, I just smiled, understanding the current situation.

Sakayanagi: It was expected...Koenji-kun was heading toward this task as well.

[Tsukasaki]: Koenji? What's the matter with Koenji? Aren't we supposed to only intervene with the first-year students? Why there's third-year students retarding us?

Sakayanagi: Fufufu who's working with who? That's probably the current issue of our opponents, Tsubasaki-kun. 

Tsukasaki was unable to understand the meaning of my words, but I continued as I was mostly talking to myself.

Sakayanagi: Ignore these senpais and keep your focus on these first years. The third year will leave your group alone pretty soon, Tsukasaki-kun.

As I finished giving my instructions to Tsukasaki-kun, another person spoke up using another walkie-talkie.

[Takemoto]: Sakayanagi-san! As we were on our way to stop the first-year group you warned us about, there were third-years in our way. We might be short in time, so we'll need another group to back us up!

Once again, unbothered, I just smiled and picked up the walkie-talkie and started giving more detailed instructions to Takemoto-kun's group.

[Hashimoto]: Whoa, there seems to be a mess on the island, princess...what's the plan for us?

Hashimoto, who was connected to the same walkie-talkie canal, heard everything so far.

Sakayanagi: There's no need to worry Hashimoto-kun. I'll leave you in charge of our group while I deal with this problem. Continue to do your best to get as many points as possible.

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