Volume 4: New Group

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

We were now on the seventh day of the special exam. A whole week passed, and things started progressing in the way I wanted...

I had just taken the unconscious Kushida to her camp, where her group was waiting.

I was currently walking through the forest, but even if I was protected by the trees...

Yato: Rain's getting strong, huh?

I thought this, looking at the sky while protecting my eyes from raindrops with my left hand.

Yato: I should hurry up to get back to the starting area...

Since I didn't have my bag and tablet, I was walking around the forest with my sense of direction and the direction I received from Touma through the talky I had in my pocket.

He told me I should soon reach the starting camp if I continued in that direction. I want to avoid asking him again for directions since he would have to use a point once again to track me with the GPS feature.

But I can't get lost and lose time walking around...

There are still things I need to do today...

Yato: ...

Still confident that I could reach the starting area with Touma's last direction and my sense observation...I decided to keep going without asking Touma for more direction...

It ended up paying up cause I arrived at the starting area shortly after.

No trees were around, and I was now fully exposed to the rain while walking on the beach.

As I walked toward the camp where all the teachers and staff members were, I noticed they were still working despite the current weather.

I continued walking toward the camp, and I finally arrived under the tents that had been installed...

All the people around seemed busy with their jobs, and sadly, the first person to notice me was...

Hoshinomiya: Hoya? Fukazawa-kun?

She immediately stopped what she was doing and walked closer...in fact, I wasn't sure if she was truly working or slacking around and decided to walk toward me cause she was bored.

But to be honest, usually, I don't mind dealing with her, but now I have other things to do...

Yato: Where's Chabsy-sensei?

Hoshinomiya: Chabs...y?

The way I called her seemed to have surprised her.

Yato: Yeah, Chabsy, chabs-sensei, Sae-sensei, or whatever you call her...where is she? I need to talk to her...

Hoshinomiya: ...

She seemed irritated and annoyed that I was one hundred percent uninterested in talking to her...or maybe it was due to the fact that I wanted to talk with Chabs...

I don't know why, but to be honest, since, with these two, it's have always been weird...

Yato: ...

I was soaked from head to toe, and my soaked hair was now dripping...

Hoshinomiya: I don't know where she is...why would I? Can I do something for you, Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: ...

While staring at her, I suddenly became more serious.

Yato: Want a picture or what?

Hoshinomiya: H-Huh?

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