Volume 1: Delinquents

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Chapter 4

Third-person Pov:

After school, Ichinose invited everyone to join her at a meeting in the gym. The goal of this meeting was the ease the contact between students from the first year and second year.

Many people went there, including Touma, who got the chance to talk with Ichinose, Kanzaki, Horikita, Ayanakoji, Sudo and finally Hashimoto... all acquaintances of his older brother.

But during that time inside the school building...

A single man was currently walking in the hallway of the first-year classrooms...

With his hands in his pocket, he walked while looking at the passing students until his gaze landed on a specific classroom...

1-A Classroom

He stopped in front of the classroom and after looking from the outside, he decided to open the door and stepped in...

As soon he entered the classroom people started to notice him...Students from the 1-A Class who were casually talking to their friends or classmates suddenly stooped what they were doing to turn their attention to this man who entered their classroom.

This student has been noticed for multiple reasons, but the principal one was probably because he wasn't from the 1-A Class, which means his presence here was odd...

But still with his hands in his pocket, he continued looking around the classroom even though all the gaze was on him.

But shortly after, his eyes landed on a single student...

This student was one of the only ones to not look directly at this man... instead, he was playing on his phone and seemed disinterested in the situation...

Seeing this, the man smirked and started walking toward this student's desk...

Arrived in front of this desk, the man stood there for a moment until...

???: Ishigami Kyo, right?

The guy who stood there said a name...which made this student react...This student with long hair tied up closed his phone and finally started looking at the guy in front of him...

???: I saw your OAA... you are at the top of your school year regarding academic ability...what do you say if we pair up in this exam Ishigami?

Ishigami: ...

That's right, this student was Ishigami Kyo. As the guy said, this first-year student named Ishigami has one of the better scores in academic ability OAA.

Class 1-A - Ishigami Kyō

First-Year Evaluation

Academic Ability: A (95)

Physical Ability: D- (25)

Adaptability: B+ (77)

Social Contribution: D (31)

Overall: B-(61)

Ishigami: ...

But even after hearing this proposal from this red-haired senpai, Ishigami remained silent while looking at him until another party arrived...

???: Hey can I help you with something Fukazawa-senpai?

That's right, the intruder who had just entered their classroom was Fukazawa Yato.

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