Volume 4.5: Ugliness

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Chapter 4

5th August\ Second day of the vacation.

Yato Pov:

Yato: Sighs...

Annoyed, I removed the bandage from my forehead.

Yato: I forgot how it's a pain in the ass to wear those in summer...

After spending the afternoon with Fuka, I finally left the deck and started making my way to my room.

I also promised to take her out to dinner tomorrow night before she gets sore at me for not respecting my words with her. Back on the island, I said I'd take her out on a date if she moved aside to let me climb the cliff, but she took my words more seriously than I thought she would. Well, anyway, it's not as if it was a problem to take her out for dinner.

What surprised me the most was the birthday party Gou had talked about earlier. It seems Gou and Kei got closer after the first special exam, as these two continued to text and see each other during their free time. I prefer to see Gou hanging out with Kei rather than this little devilish red-haired demon.

Yato: But seriously...what's this stupid constraint I've been imposed?

It seems I need to ask someone to tag along for Touma's birthday party, but as I originally planned to bring Ryuji to the party, they told me I had to ask a girl as there were too many guys already.

Yato: What if I ask Ryuuen to come? It could be a great way to mess with him a bit...calling him Ryuuen-chan just to piss him off could be quite entertaining...after all, he has long hair...yeah that could work...


As I was lost in my thoughts, I started to hear my phone ringing. 

I took it out of my left pocket and let out a sneer, seeing who was calling me. I immediately answered the call and put the phone next to my left ear.

Yato: What can I do for you, Ryuuen-chan?

Just as I was thinking about how I would mess with him, he called me. As I answered with my provocative and fooling voice tone, he seemed a bit annoyed.

[Ryuuen]: Wassup piece-of-shit-kun. I don't know why but something was rubbing me in the wrong way before calling you...hearing your voice made it worse and confirmed that weird feeling. What you're up to you fucking bastard.

I just smirked, hearing Ryuuen's weird instinct warning him I was plotting to mess with him.

Yato: Nah, nothing. I thought about inviting you to tag along somewhere, but I decided not to. You're far too ugly and far from being cute anyway to be called "Ryuuen-chan." I'll need to find a cuter girl then...

[Ryuuen]: Oh? You're worse than I thought...always thinking with your dick you damn bastard? Spending the afternoon with that chick destroyed the few working brains you had?

Even if I couldn't see him right now, I knew he was smirking at our conversation as he was having fun.

Yato: Stop acting like an annoying jealous bitch man...What's wrong with you now? Do you keep an eye on my movement?

The chick he mentioned was Fuka, with whom I spent the afternoon.

[Ryuuen]: Don't act surprised. Nishino told me you glanced at her many times earlier.

Yato: Sighs...and me who thought she was into me, and that's why she was stalking me...not cause her jealous weirdo of leader ordered her to follow me around.

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