Part 43.

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Tom's pov~

I hated sitting in the back seat. Just the simple side view, the music barely reaching the back unless you had the latest model -which in this case my brother didn't- and worst of all, the nausea that rose in my throat when I wasn't looking straight ahead. Everything annoyed me, but what could you do when your little twin brothers were picking you up like Laurel and Hardy. Literally. The two of them were cracking jokes, which were so unfunny, I would have paid for someone to shoot me in the head. Right then- Right there!
Hoped Paddy would do the job once we had picked him up.

"Alright." Said Harry, just coming down from one of his laughing fits as we parked in front of my parents house. "Go get him." He told Sam.
"What- why me?" Sam argued. Of course he was too lazy, his seat alone was already cranked way too far back for him to be allowed to ride at all.
"Because I am obviously already the driver. Can't be the bell ringer at the same time, can I?" He didn't have a good point, but at least he had one more than Sam, who was desperately looking for arguments. In the meantime, 20 seconds have already passed, during which Paddy could have easily entered the car.
"Okay- But I've already rung Tom's doorbell." He argued back. Then I rolled my eyes. His definition of ringing my doorbell was two klicks on his phone, which he had used to call me and say they were there. Not even really having rang my doorbell.

I got out before those douchebags could argue any further. They might didn't look like identical twins, but they for sure shared one and the same brain.

I rang the doorbell, when I reached the front step and waited. My gaze in the meantime having wandered away from the door and instead to the plants winding their way up the walls. Typical for our house. It hadn't changed one bit in the last 29 years.
"I've got it!" I heard Paddy screaming. Probably to our mother who was on her way to open the door. But he didn't sound too pleased, though, making me raise an eyebrow before the door was even open. And then, when it opened and I wanted to greet Paddy with a thin smile on my lips, he didn't even give me the chance.

"You took it!" He yelled. Anger and hatred in his voice. Such bitter hatred, shivers ran down my spine as I took a defensive step back.
"Wha-" but when I opened my mouth to speak, he dared to push my chest back with his hands until I surely stumbled backwards quite a few steps.
"You fucking took it you bloody bastard!" There was no stopping him, he was getting closer and closer to me and if it wasn't my little brother who was well on his way to beating me up, I would have fought back. Damn it-if it had been anyone else calling me a bastard, I would have already let them have a taste of their own blood, making them suffer until they begged for mercy like a pathetic little coward. But it was Paddy. My little brother... I could hardly lay a hand on him, could I?

He pushed me back again just as I was about to keep my balance, and this time I fell straight to the ground. The hard trampled snow, not making the landing any better.
"Paddy please." I begged. Yeah- I was the one begging for mercy. I knew I was doing the right thing by not fighting back, but I felt like a wimp. With him looking down at me.

After all, I had hurt Paddy often enough in the past, maybe not physically, but mentally. Perhaps the time had come for him to pay me back. Hitting me, kicking me, beating me up. I accepted it. For whatever I had done.
"It took me days. If not weeks!" I started to put together why he was mad, realised I might even deserve whatever was going to come. "And you ripped it out like it was nothing!" He screamed, then gave me a fist against the cheek, and to be honest, the blow didn't even hurt that much yet. However, it robbed me enough time for Paddy to climb on my hip and hit me twice as hard right under the eye. The impact was so hard, my head hit the concrete and I was sure I heard a bone crack. Whether it was my cheekbone or my skull. I didn't stand a chance to defend myself.
"It was my masterpiece! IT WAS MINE!" He hit me again, this time hitting my chest, which fortunately didn't hurt as much since I was wearing a thick jacket. "You had no right to see it!" I coughed from loss of oxygen. His fists stealing every ounce of air from me.

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