Part 167.

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Y/N's pov~

I began to run out of explanations as to why Parker no longer saw his father. I couldn't answer it myself, but wherever I was, I saw him. My perception started playing tricks on me— was no longer alone. I thought I saw him as I picked up flowers, in the parking lot outside the supermarket, in every cafe I went into... It was merely a figure dressed in a hat and jacket, but something about it reminded me of him. It got to the point where I recently believed I mistook him for a man with a buzz cut as Parker and I were on the playground. It was ridiculous, but oh, the mind can play tricks.

Today was another appointment at the gynecologist's office. Ciara was supposed to accompany me, but she claimed her car had a flat tire, which didn't sit well with me as mine was also in the shop. So, I had to hail a taxi, which cost me more time than money, and I ended up arriving 10 minutes late. Fortunately, I immediately found my doctor, who was just finishing up signing a document.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry for the delay!" The doctor smiled at me and nodded down the hallway toward the door, indicating that we should proceed. "No problem at all, it gave me enough time to get to know your husband."

My husband? My heart skipped a beat; surely I must have misheard. But, as she opened the door, there was indeed someone sitting by the bed. With his head in his hands, all I could see was a buzzcut, which Tom didn't have. He had dreamy curls and wore casual T-shirts instead of the crisp white button down this guy was wearing.

Yet, a glance into his eyes revealed enough for me to know it was Tom. A different Tom. A changed Tom. I hadn't expected to feel so much pain and unrest upon seeing him again, but I swear my baby kicked in indignation.

He stood up immediately, still wearing his wedding ring, just like I still hadn't taken mine off, and somehow his jawline seemed even sharper. That was probably due to the haircut. I stared at it, astonished that Tom had done this. Sure, Harry had mentioned he was having a buzz cut now. He said it suited him so well, that he was thinking about getting one too, and although it sounded like a joke, Harry was actually one to do something like that. Ciara on the other hand strictly told him off. If he were to loose his precious curls she would run away until they grew back, she said.

"Hi," was all he managed to say, rubbing his hands over his suit pants, whether to smooth them out or wipe away sweat.

He approached me, and what did he intend to do? Was he going for a hug, or even a kiss? The doctor rummaged in a box, quickly realizing she had forgotten something before apologizing and stepping out of the room again, closing the door behind her.

My adrenaline rushed to my head; just seeing him brought restlessness upon me. I wanted to hide under an invisibility cloak, hoping Tom had never seen me, but he had, and his eyes softened at the sight.

"What are you doing here?" How did he know I had a doctor's appointment now if I hadn't told him, and who else would betray me when everyone knew I wanted nothing to do with Tom? Ciara would never do such a thing. She even sent me a picture of the flat tire.

"Just checking in on how the baby is doing." Of course... the baby.

"As if you care." Maybe I was too snappy, a bit too hasty, but if Tom had really cared, he would have reached out more often than suddenly reappearing after two months without any warning. As if that was the right way.

"It does, darling-"

"No." I held my hand up as he tried to get closer. I knew his game too well. Starting off innocently, giving me nicknames knowing I would fall for them, and then kissing me when he knew I had relented. "Don't do that." I gestured towards him, towards his hands, how they wanted to hold me, towards his eyes, how they looked so gentle. Tom wasn't gentle. Tom was ruthless. Cold. Dry.

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