Part 195.

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Tom's pov~

"I love you."
A tattoo is made of ink, painstakingly driven into the skin with the finest needles. But her words—they were like daggers, inscribed into my heart. I longed to preserve them, to hold onto not just the three lonely words but the entire moment that encased them. The way she spoke, her tone so dreamy and distant, as if from the deepest corners of her mind. The way her eyes delved into my very soul. The way her body melded with mine, a perfect fit like a pot and its lid.

We were soulmates.

I felt it every day, but in that night, in that precise instant, I knew it without a doubt. Our love didn't halt as we climbed out of the water. It didn't cease when I wrapped my blanket around her shivering form, drying her off. It didn't stop as I gathered our discarded underwear, or as she trembled in the delicate fabric. It continued as I lifted her effortlessly, and as I kissed her like there was no tomorrow, our connection unwavering and eternal.

My fingertips brushed against the soft fabric of the blanket beneath her thighs. Her legs wrapped around me like vines clinging to a tree trunk, seeking support and stability. She held onto me as if she feared I might drift away at any moment, while in reality, I dreaded the second the sun would rise, and our bodies would part.

I carried her all the way into the house, our skin covered only by the white sheet that enveloped her upper body, and the nights shadow. Every step inside the house, a risk, the danger of waking friends and family looming with each footfall. Every inch closer brought the possibility of them witnessing scenes they could never have imagined. Yet, nothing stopped me from kissing her all the way to the door. I paused at the kitchen island when my arms grew heavy, my tongue never leaving her mouth. My body warmed, not by the heating, but by the fervor of our embrace, my blood thickening with desire.

There was no moment of hesitation.

By the time we reached my room, my tongue was raw and my lips swollen. Hers were too, but it didn't bother us in the least. I lowered her onto the soft mattress, ensuring a delicate landing. The blanket slipped gracefully from her body, revealing to me the most exquisite masterpiece, a vision of beauty that only I was privileged to see. She was just... wow.

The tips of her fingers reached out for me, her hands searching for something to hold onto. Nothing in particular as she whined for a certain contact. Her lying form was grounded, yet her impatience to close the distance between us was tangible. She couldn't wait another second, and I loved her just like that—impatient and eager.

I crawled onto the bed, planting one knee between her thighs, my fist sinking into the pillow next to her head. A playful grin took over my face, thoughts of desire and mischief filling my mind.

How often could I tell her she was beautiful without ever growing tired of her looks? How often could I apologize for my mistakes, never wanting to keep secrets from her? How often could I profess my love, my affection for the one who meant the most to me? She was my everything...

I leaned down, my chest pressing closer, my necklace brushing against her chin. She grinned into our kiss, our spirits lifting just by being together. Despite carrying the heavy burden of pain and sorrow, knowing our love could hurt, thinking we might be better apart—nothing could drive us away from each other. She knew it, and I knew it too. We were entwined in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and I would never stop chasing her until she was mine again.

I grabbed my cock, having softened up on the way up, and gave it a few strokes. Shouldn't have been an issue for me, considering the Y/N Holland was beneath my body, but-
"Fuck." I almost gagged as the air got stuck in my throat. Bit my bottom lip so harsh, I felt a bittersweet taste spreading on my taste buds. "Shit." Yet I couldn't stop. An embarrassing moan escaped my throat, and I should have wanted to die right then and there, but holy smokes. She had her little fingers wrapped around my dick, giving me a handjob I could have never imagined even in my wildest dream.

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