Part 170.

365 17 7

Y/N's pov~

The day of the gender reveal party was one of the best and most gut-wrenching days in a long time.

I came to the realization that just a few months ago seemed unimaginable, but seeing how well I got along with Tom and how great we could work together as a team showed me that maybe it was a step I should have been open to earlier. We functioned better apart, without the pressure to pretend to be happy, without the obligation to give each other more than the basic necessities.
Maybe it was exactly what we needed. What was best for Parker and the little girl growing in my stomach.

My body was particularly challenging today, feeling the weight of the baby even in my feet. I lacked the motivation to take Parker to the playground or do much of anything. Dealing with stomach cramps and the baby's kicks made me wonder if they were somehow connected to my thoughts, if my little girl knew how much stress I was under.

The doorbell rang unexpectedly, and there stood Tom, holding a box full of snacks and other items for relaxation, perfect for today.
"Hey," he greeted with a charming smile, effortlessly balancing the weight in his arms.
"Hi," I replied, barely concealing my stress, and ushered him inside.
"Is Parker in his room?" he asked promptly, his years of experience with an energetic son making him quick to notice when the living room was unusually quiet.
"No, he's playing outside in the garden with the sprinkler," I admitted, as the pain drained all my strength.
"Are you okay?" my husband asked immediately, his concerned gaze scanning over the bump on my belly.

I nodded, sinking my weight into the sofa cushions that were already molded from earlier. A glass of water with melted ice cubes now unrecognizable, and a breakfast plate with crumbs scattered around.
"You don't look okay, though," Tom remarked as I closed my eyes in pain, trying to take deep breaths for the baby that reached for her daddy.

Tom placed his hand on my knee, and I flinched immediately, brushing my leg away, not letting his gaze go unnoticed. Maybe I had let him back into the house for the first time today, but that didn't mean I was comfortable feeling his hand on my knee. Yesterday's hug was pure euphoria, fueled by the people surrounding us. I wasn't ready to surrender to Tom without grappling with the consequences. I was just beginning to accept his divorce; I couldn't surround myself with false hopes while not even being able to open up to him again.
"Okay," Tom raised his hands in defense, showing he meant no harm. He understood every decision I made, every action I took.
His eyes casting down, every movement stiff and lost in thought.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" The clock pointed towards 3, making his question valid, but I hadn't even thought about lunch. I shook my head in gentle waves. "Then let me cook you something." He suggested, ready to do anything to make me feel better. "What would you like? Lentil curry? Pasta with tomato sauce? Wraps?" He gave me a selection of dishes he could make, shrugging after each variation.
"You can let Parker decide," I pointed out. He might be hungrier and knew the best decision to make. Tom nodded, shifting his weight as he stood up.

Tom's pov~

"Hi, buddy!" I slid open the garden door, seeing my little hero standing there in some blue swimming trunks, holding a garden hose. His hair was wet, the sun slowly burning his skin, and his imagination running bored as he let the water flow, lost in thought. He glanced up, his shoulders dropping, his gaze returning to the ball at the edge of the hedge, birds soaring between the branches.

"Are you hungry?" I stepped out into the bright sun, out of the gloomy house and into the natural light. Parker watched my steps like a panther on the hunt for prey. I knelt down in front of him, taking his toddler belly in my hands, wanting his attention on me.

"We could go shopping and cook together, don't you think?" Originally, I had come here to deliver another care package and take Parker with me for a week, but with the fear and anger he was showing, I doubted he even wanted that.

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