Rainy London

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Resting his head on the car window, the young dark haired guy looked out at the passing traffic.
"We'll be at the hotel soon." One of the others said.
The corners of his lips pulled into a slight smile and his eyes looked out the window again.
Traffic from the airport had been bad. They are going to be just dropping their luggage and heading straight out for the first of four photo shoots he and his friend were here for.
Rain began to hit the window and he remembered someone on one of their Instagram posts saying to wrap up.
Then he saw a young girl. Her face pressed against a shop window. Her baggy jeans and denim jacket were getting soaked by the rain.

"What caught your eye?" His surfer looking friend asked.
Lifting his head he pointed at the young girl.
"Something in that window is so captivating she doesn't realise how wet she's getting." He smiled.
Then she pushed herself away and turned. Even through the darkening clouds and the rain covered window they could see how beautiful she was.
"Wow." His friend groaned. "She's pretty."
"Hey I saw her first." He laughed.
The car started moving.
"Well we will never know her." His friend sat back as they headed towards the hotel.


I stood staring through the shop window. It's still there. The beautiful jade green dress that I would love. But I needed at least two more weeks' wages to afford it. Plus I'd have to go without eating to get it. But oh my god it's beautiful.
I felt my jacket starting to get heavy. I pushed myself away from the window. The store assistant waved. I'm here everyday. Well I have been since the dress was put in the window. I sighed, returned her wave and turned away.
"Why are you bothering Rom." I said to myself. "It'll never be yours."
I noticed the traffic had gone bad and I looked at the clock hanging off the next shop.
F**k I better get a move on. I'll need to dry off before I can start work. Luckily I have to change into a uniform, or Mrs Jeavons the hotel housekeeper would be dragging me over the coals.

In the locker room I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on the black dress that was my uniform. My boots were replaced by a pair of black ballerina pumps. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and hung my clothes near a radiator to help dry them before heading to see what rooms I was covering today.
A lot of the girls were excited over something as I passed them.
"Did you see them? They are so dreamy." One gushed.
"The dark haired one is irresistible." Another swooned.
I reached and took my dockets and grabbed my trolley then headed to the lifts.

Outside one door I knocked. There was no answer. I opened the door.
"Maid service." I called.
No answer.
I walked in. Checking around it had been vacated. I opened the window before heading back out to my trolly to collect clean bedding and towels.
I heard a noise and looked up. Three guys were leaving a room. Two stood and stared at me. I lowered my head and collected my items before taking another glance at them. They were walking backwards to the lift. The third guy videoing them. I entered the room to do my work.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now