The Meeting

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(Romanee's pov.)

Pulling on my still damp clothes I headed out of the staff entrance. Crowds of girls were hanging around outside the hotel's entrance. They started screaming as a black car pulled up.
Standing back I saw the guys from the room on my floor. They ran inside.
I pulled my damp jacket around myself and hurried back to my room at the hostel, stopping on the way to look at the dress.

No, no, no, no, no.
It had gone.
I looked at the sales assistant who mouthed 'sorry'.
I shrugged and waved bye.
In my room I opened my bag pulling out the leftovers the chef gave me from lunch. Sitting cross legged on my bed I tucked into the sandwiches. Well at least now I hadn't got a dress to save for. I filled a glass with water from the tap and sat in the window overlooking the busy London streets.
My mind went to the three guys in the hotel. They didn't look much older than me and they were staying in that hotel. They must have fairly well off parents or a good job. They all looked really nice. They had beautiful smiles.

Going down the corridor to the shared bathroom, I showered and returned to bed. Picking up a newspaper that I had brought home I looked through to see what was going on around the world. In the end I gave up. It was scary what was going on out there. Then I saw an advert.
'Summer staff required in a new complex in Spain. All travel paid for, visas and work cards arranged for you. To apply, call....'
I tore it out and put it in my purse. Maybe I'll give it a go.
I snuggled down under my covers and fell asleep.

Next morning I didn't have to stop at the shop to dream, so I was in and changed early. I collected my trolly and headed to the floor. As I waited for the room to vacate I saw the guys again. Laughing and joking heading towards me.
"Hey." The surfer looking one called.
"Good morning sir." I replied. Not making eye contact.
"I'm Tim. That's Jacob and JoJo." He continued.
"Pleased to meet you." I lifted my eyes to look at them. I grabbed my trolly and went to walk away. A hand stopped me.
"What's your name?" The dark haired one whispered.
"Romanee sir." I whispered back. He moved his hand and I walked away.
"You're beautiful Romanee." I heard him say.
Opening the door to the room opposite theirs I looked back. They had just got into the lift and as the door closed he blew me a kiss.


(Elevator boys pov)

"Why did you buy that dress?" JoJo asked his friend.
"A gift for her." Jacob smiled.
"You know they can't accept gifts don't you?" JoJo's eyebrows raised.
Jacob bit his lip.
"I'll think of something. Where are we today?"
They talked over the day's itinerary while eating breakfast. Then they left. She was in the hallway again.
"Hey." Tim called.
"Good morning sir." She replied. Not making eye contact.
"I'm Tim. That's Jacob and JoJo." He continued.
"Pleased to meet you." She lifted her face, then grabbed her trolly and went to walk away. Jacob put out his hand and stopped her.
"What's your name?" He whispered.
"Romanee sir." She whispered back. He moved his hand and she walked away.
"You're beautiful Romanee." He said.
She opened the door to the room opposite theirs and looked back. They had just got into the lift and as the door closed he blew her a kiss.

"Wow those eyes are like ice blue." Tim smiled. "And those lips."
"Ready for kissing." Jacob grinned. "I can picture them round my cock now. Wonder if she's got a boyfriend?"
"No good you trying to find out." JoJo jumped in. "We leave the day after tomorrow and she is off limits. Remember."
"I need a picture to remember her by." Tim moaned. "The one that got away."
Jacob hit him.
"She's so tiny I could fit her in my pocket. She's only about 5'3" I'd say."
"Smaller than Julien." Tim laughed. "And that's saying something."
"God I'd probably suffocate her." Jacob said with a wicked grin. Tim burst out laughing.

After the photo shoot, they had a wander around London. Then once back, they video chatted Bene and the others.
"Any talent?" Bene asked.
"Dude there is one girl. She's a maid here in the hotel. She's so tiny she'd make Julien look like a giant. But oh my God she has the most beautiful face and body." Tim gushed. "Jacobs in love."
Jacob blushed a little.
"Her name is Romanee. Her eyes are ice blue, her lips are pink and plump. She has light brown hair." He sighed.
"So you didn't really notice her then." Luis laughed.
"How old?" Bene smiled.
"Dunno. Wouldn't say much more than 18." Tim told him.
"She lives in a hostel. Got no family." Jacob told them.
"Bring her home. She can look after us." Luis grinned.
"If he brought her home she'd never see the outside of his bedroom." Jacob hit Tim with a cushion. "I'm sure he's got blue balls already."
Jacob was now wrestling with him.

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