New Experiences?

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(Romanee pov)

This wasn't Jacob. He would never do this to me. I couldn't stop the tears, I couldn't push him away.

When he had finished he realised what he had done and let me go. I ran into the bathroom as his phone rang giving me time to get away from him.

"Yup" I heard him say. "Erm we'll meet you there if Pixie wants to come."

I climbed into the shower and washed myself. Pulling a towel around me I looked in the mirror. I had bites all over my neck and breasts. Even some on the inside of my legs.

He came in and stood behind me. Placing his hands on my shoulders he whispered.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't... I don't know..."

"I better get dressed if we are meeting the others." I pushed past him. He gripped my arm. My eyes rested on his hand and he dropped it.

I heard the shower start as I found out some clothes. I pulled on some baggy jeans, raised trainers and a soft turtleneck sweater. This covered everything. I was braiding my hair when he came in.

As he dressed I finished packing my clothes.

"I can't stay with you all long. My flight is tonight." I told him.

"Flight?" He asked, pulling his tee shirt over his head.

"Yes, back home."

I gathered everything and we left.

The boys were all smiles when we entered but they dropped when they saw my face and my suitcase.

"Are you moving to our hotel with us?" Bene asked.

"No. I'm flying home in a few hours."

"WHAT" Tim exclaimed. "Can't you stay and fly back with us tomorrow?" I saw his eyes look at Jacob who kept his eyes down.

"No. I've a meeting at the agency early tomorrow so I need to be home tonight."

They all kept exchanging glances.

As I put my bag in the taxi they all hugged me. Jacob just lent forward and went to place a kiss on my lips. I turned my head and it landed on my cheek.

"Please stay. I'm sorry." He whispered.

I climbed into the taxi and it drove away.


(Jacob and the boys pov)

They waited till back at the hotel to find out what was going on. Everyone piled into one room.

"Ok spill." Tim stood there arms crossed over his chest.

"Nothing to spill." Jacob stood up by the window.

"Bulls**t." Tim exclaimed. "You've just got engaged, yet you both looked like hell had opened up and she's gone back to Germany."

"Her flight was booked for tonight. You heard her." He looked out.

"What happened?" Bene quietly asked as he stood beside him.

"I hurt her. Badly." Jacob whispered back.

Bene shook his head. "How? What did you say to her?"

"That's the problem, I didn't say anything." He wiped a tear away.

"So what did you do?" Luis was behind him. He hung his head in shame. "You didn't?"

"Oh he did." Julien walked in handing his phone to Tim.

Lifting his eye to his friend Tim turned and walked out. Luis took the phone, read it and handed it to Bene before bringing his fist back and landing it on Jacobs chin.

"I hope to f**k you've a photo shoot coming up and the bruise ain't gone you bastard."

Julien took his phone from Bene and with Luis walked out to find Tim.

"Why?" Bene sat watching his friend who was rubbing his reddening chin.

"I don't know. I was kissing her then the next thing I was tying her to the bed and..."

Bene held his hand up having heard enough.

"You are sick bro you know that. I'm sorry but I think you may have just f***ed your life up."

(Jacob pov)

I picked up my phone. Nothing from Pixie. I phoned the airline and managed to get my flight brought forward to the last one this evening. I packed and headed to the airport. I kept trying to ring her but it was either engaged or she wouldn't answer. I messaged her.

'Pixie my baby.

I'm so sorry, I don't know what
came over me. I shouldn't
have done what I did. I wish
with all my heart I could turn
the clock back and make love
to you like I should have.
Please wait for me at the
mansion. I will be there as soon
as I can. My flight is the last
one tonight.

Please give me a chance to put
things right.

Jacob x'

Sitting waiting for my plane I tried to go over in my head why I did what I did but I couldn't see any reason why I did. My phone pinged.


Please don't rush to get
home. I need time to process
what happened. Not what or
why you did what you did
but why I... well why it made
me feel... alive.
Not that I would want to be
made love to like that all the
while but...

I still love you Jacob, I'll
never not love you. I'm
leaving the mansion as soon
as I've packed what I need. I
will contact you when I have
got where I've decided to go.
I've spoken to the boys. Go
and sort your friendship out.

Rommy x'

I looked up and the guys stood there.

"Sorry I hit you." Luis held his hand out. I took it and he pulled me into his arms and hugged me checking out my chin.

"Let's get a drink while we wait for our flights."

I noticed their bags by their feet.

I half smiled and we walked to the bar.

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