Milan, Mallorca and Berlin

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(Jacobs pov)

I didn't want to leave her but I had work myself, before I was to meet her in Milan.

"It's only a few weeks." I kissed her forehead. "And we will all be together."

Her face was smiling but I knew inside she was sad because that's how I was feeling. I gave JoJo some things I wanted him to do to help her through it and I said my goodbyes.

Just over two weeks later me and the boys landed in Milan. Pixie was already at the venue as we were only attending and not taking part, we got ready in the hotel.

We found seats near the front so we could cheer her on. Not that she needed it but I hoped it would lift her spirits.

I saw a small smile pull at her lips as she passed us.

"Ladies and gentlemen our new petite range modelled by Pixie." The announcer called.

My heart swole with pride watching her.

Outside after, she joined us for photos.

"The elevator boys catch a Pixie." Bene laughed as we held her lying across all our arms.

"After the photo shoot tomorrow we can head over to Mallorca. There you can just lie in the sun." I told her and she smiled.

In Mallorca she was so relaxed she slept most of the time. Our night times were spent watching the sun set, sitting in each other's arms.

"I've missed you the past 4 months." She told me.

"And now you're sleeping most of the time" I smiled. "But I know what it's like after the fashion season."

"I want something where I can have time with you too. Is that selfish of me?"

"Our business is a difficult one. You ask many of the models and they miss out on a lot with their families." He told me.

"I suppose it doesn't help that we are in the same business. Hopefully we can sort something out with the management." She yawned and fell asleep.

Bene walked past.

"Is she asleep again?" He asked.

I covered her and walked outside with him. "Have you noticed she is hardly eating?"

"I have. I'm going to get the Dr to see her when we get home in a few days."


(Romanee pov a week later)

I lay in bed as the Dr asked me some questions.

Dr: Jacob tells me you are not
eating much but sleeping a

Me: I've been extra busy the past
few months and it's worn me
out. I'm not hungry so why

Dr: You need food to keep your
energy levels right so why
aren't you eating?

Me: I need to lose a few kilos.

Dr: Starving yourself is not the
way to lose weight. Jacob will
help you work out and eat a
good diet.

Jacob: You are perfect the way
you are. Why do you need
to lose weight?

Me: Because I'm fat.(I cried)

The Dr and Jacob left after I had some bloods taken and I curled in a ball.

The door opened after being knocked and Luis came in.

"Hey Rommy. You've got us all worried." He sat by me.

"Why? I'm just tired. I'll be ok soon."

"I've just overheard the doc and Jacob talking. Why aren't you eating?" He looked sadly at me.

I didn't hear the door open.

"I'm tiny and dumpy. I've seen the models and the other girls. Why would Jacob want me when there's models like them he could have?"

"But he doesn't love them Rommy he loves you for who you are. You don't need to change a thing. Now I'm going to make you some soup." He stood.

"I'm not hungry Luis but thank you." I touched his hand.

Jacob stood back so Luis could pass.

He walked towards me.

"You my beautiful Pixie are going to get back on your feet and when you do I'll take you somewhere special."

My phone rang. After answering it I hung up and looked at Jacob.

"I am wanted in London. That was my parents' lawyers office. They have been trying to find me for a few months. It's something to do with their will."

"You can't travel till you are well, baby." He told me.

"I'm well enough to fly." I told him.

"You are not going anywhere until you are eating better and getting some of the medication the Dr has prescribed inside you." He told me arms crossed as if he was telling me not to defy him.

"We will see." I spat back.

It was one afternoon a few weeks later that I took my chance. I knew the boys were at the office so I phoned and managed to get a seat on a flight to London leaving three hours later.

I packed light, left a note and headed to the airport.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now