Luis the go between (pt1)

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(⚠️some mention of sex)

(Romanee pov)

It was horrible breaking the news to him of us being apart for so long, especially after the breathtaking love we had made. His face looked pained.
"There's no way you can meet up with me at any time?" He put his arm around my shoulders.
"When I'm in London, you are in Sweden. When I'm in Rome you are in Australia. I listened to the dates. I wouldn't fly to Australia with Toby, it's too long a flight. I don't like it as much as you don't Jacob but it is what it is." I choked a little trying to hold back the tears.
I know Jacob is loved by many around the world. I've seen the things girls send him along with phone numbers. He ignores them but well, he is a man with needs.

I burped Toby and changed his diaper before putting him back into his basket. I then went into the bathroom and switched on the shower. Stepping in I let the hot jets of water run over my body. Then Jacobs hands were round me.
"No invite?" He whispered.
"Since when do you need one?" I asked back.
"We will work something out baby. I promise." He soaped my back.
"Let it be Jacob. We will get through it."
He lifted me up pushing my back against the wall. His lips crashing on mine, his hands holding me so he could slide into my wet depths. My fingers pushed into his hair as he plunged in and out of me.
"Oh my god Jacob." I cried out as I tipped over the edge. He called my name as he withdrew, his cum splashing over my stomach.
I washed everything off and grabbed a towel before heading back into the bedroom to dress before the boys got home.

Jacob carried Toby's basket into the lounge while I dressed. I pulled on some yoga pants and a vest. Then my trainers.
"I need to pop to the chemist." I called out to him as I walked out.
"Dressed like that?" He stood with his arms crossed across his chest. A scowl on his face.
"Dressed like what? I wore this the other day and you said nothing. Plus I'm putting a coat on." I glared at him.
"That was different. You were with Julien and Angelina, you're on your own today."
"So what."
"Get changed. I mean it Pixie."
I couldn't believe it. Walking back in the bedroom I pulled on a tracksuit over my clothes.
"Better." He turned and walked away.
I met the boys as the elevator opened on the ground floor. Pushing through them and running before they could stop me.
"Rommy." I heard Luis's voice before I felt his arms around me.


(Elevator mansion)

The guys walked into the apartment. Jacob left the kitchen with coffee, fingers on lips as he pointed to the basket and his sleeping son.
Tim turned him round and pushed him back into the kitchen followed by the others.
"What?" Jacob looked confused.
"We've just seen Rommy. Why was she crying?" Tim demanded to know.
"She wasn't." He stood upright.
JoJo shook his head and Bene gripped the work surface.
"She looked upset and tearful." Bene told him.
"I know." Tim growled. "You f****d her again and now she's got to do as you say. I hope to God she f**king leaves you. She deserves better." He turned and marched out leaving the room.

"She is my wife. We had words." Jacob raised his voice slightly.
"So you don't trust her?" Julien quietly said.
"What? Course I do." Jacob took a sip of his coffee.
"No you don't. If I was like that with Angelina like you are with Rommy, she'd have my ass big time."
They all walked out and left him. Bene turned around.
"Tim was right bro. She deserves better. What the f*"ks got into you."

Jacob sat with his son wondering why his friends are so against him. The elevator opened and she walked out with Luis who wrapped his arm around her whispering something in her ear. She hugged him and ran up the stairs.
"Pixie." Jacob called after her.
"She doesn't want to speak to you." Luis stood in front of him.
"She's my f*"king wife." Jacob growled at him. He pushed him but Luis stood his ground.
"I'm taking her outta here." Luis told him.
"Like f**k you are. Over my dead body." Jacob was yelling now.
"Don't tempt me." Luis spat, clenching his fists.
"Please stop." Rommys voice came from the stairs. "I'm going to stay somewhere for a few days. I need to think things out, away from you." She walked past him and picked up the basket and their son. Jacob grabbed for her. Luis pushed between them.
JoJo and Tim arrived grabbing Jacob.
"You're not going anywhere Rommy."
Jacob fought to get out of his friend's grip. They just held him tighter.
"Calm down." JoJo told him.
"How can I? My wife is leaving me."
"She's going away for a few nights. She's not leaving you." Luis told him. "If you weren't such a b*****d she wouldn't be."
"All I did was tell her to get changed."
"I think you need to sit and think." Luis turned and walked upstairs behind Rommy.


(Romanee pov)

Luis walked me to a bench outside the chemist.
"Hey you ok?" He sat by me.
I nodded.
"I feel stupid. Crying because he told me to get changed." I wiped my eyes on my sleeve.
"What were you wearing to make him say change?"
"Yoga pants and a vest." I told him. "What I wore when I went out with Julien and Angelina."
He put his arm around her and hugged her against him.
"You deserve so much better Rommy."
"We have just got back to normal you know, like before I had Toby. I can't be with him tonight. We will argue."
"Let me take you somewhere I know you'll be safe. I go there a lot. The boys don't know where it is." Luis held her close.

My phone rang. It was Jacob. I sent it to voicemail.
I got the few things I needed from the chemist and we walked back. As we got out of the elevator Jacob stood up staring at me. Luis put his arm around me and whispered to head straight upstairs. I did as I heard him call my name.
Their voices were becoming louder as they argued. I needed to get Toby.
"Please stop." I said from the stairs. "I'm going with Luis. I need some space." I walked past him and picked up the basket and our son. Jacob grabbed for me. Luis pushed between us.
JoJo and Tim arrived grabbing Jacob.
"You're not going anywhere Rommy." Jacob yelled, fighting to get out of the boy's hands.
"Calm down." JoJo told him.
"How can I? My wife is leaving me."
"She's going away for a few nights. She's not leaving you." Luis told him. "If you weren't such a b*****d she wouldn't be."
"All I did was tell her to get changed."
"I think you need to sit and think." Luis turned and walked upstairs behind me.

"Pack something nice. I'll take you out tonight." He smiled.
"It's ok Luis you don't have to." I gathered things for Toby.
"I want to. Get your stress levels down."
"And what do I do with Toby?"
"Leave that with me." He rubbed my arm and left. Out of all the boys I didn't think Luis would be the one to comfort me.
He collected my bags and I picked up Toby.
"Don't be scared. The guys will keep him away from you." He smiled and walked ahead of me.
I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. Jacob looked a mess. His red eyes locked on mine and his mouth quivered.
"Please don't leave me Pixie. Please don't go." He cried.
"I'll be back in a few days. I just need to sort things out in my head. So do you."
"Toby." He sobbed.
"Will be fine."
I walked out. His cries behind me became louder. I quickened my step and fastened Toby into Luis's car before climbing inside. I watched as the mansion disappeared.

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