What Was In That Window?

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(Elevator boys)

Unpacking what they needed and using the bathroom, Tim, Jacob and their photographer JoJo left their room.
Tim nudged Jacob and pointed down the hall.
There was one of the hotel staff. But it wasn't just anyone.
"It's her from in front of the shop." Tim said.
Jacobs' eyes scoured her. Then she looked up and his breath caught in his throat.
"Come on, we will be late." JoJo pushed them down the hall.
They walked backwards not taking their eyes off her. JoJo grabbed his phone and recorded them. She disappeared.
"How about this? Pov. We met at the hotel." He showed them the tik tok he made. Tim and Jacob high fived as the lift took them down.

"Wonder if we could just bump into her again?" Tim asked.
"How?" Jacob looked at him.
"I understand these establishments have rules." JoJo said looking at his phone. "No fraternising with the guests. If caught, it's an instant dismissal."
Jacob looked at Tim
"We can't have that." Tim said to him.
They walked through the hotel and through fans gathering outside into the car waiting to take them to their shoot.

On their way back, Jacob got the car to pull over where he first saw her. Him and Tim climbed out and looked in the window. Three dresses were in there.
Looking at each other they walked inside. A sales assistant approached them.
"May I help you?" She asked.
"I hope so." Jacob smiled. "I saw a young girl outside the window of this shop earlier and she looked familiar. I wondered if you knew who she was?"
Tim's eyebrows raised at his friend's question.
"Oh that would be Romanee Reeves. She's been there every day since the window was changed."

"What was she looking at?"
"The jade blue one." She told them.
"Why doesn't she buy it?" Tim asked.
"She just gets by. She lives in a hostel. Lost her family a few years back. Lives on next to nothing. A lovely girl deserves much better than life deals her." The assistant told them.
"You got her size?" Jacob asked.
"That's the only one we have... and it's her size." She smiled.
"I'll take it." Jacob handed over his debit card. "Can you gift wrap it?" A smile crossed his face.
They left the shop with the box and headed back to the hotel.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now