On One Knee

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( ⚠️slight sexual references)

(Romanee pov)

London was miserable. I laughed because this was how it was when Jacob first saw me. Today I was booking into my old hotel as a guest. It felt very different being on this side of the place.

Settling in my room I got a message from my agency.

"Have been told you are in London. Would you do a chat show?"

Eventually after lots of backward and forwarding, I agreed and they sent me the details.

The first week I spent talking with my parents' lawyers. It seemed they left me a trust fund that I came into possession of when I turned 21.

All my banking details had been given to them and the money transferred.

"Can we ask what you are going to do in your life now?" One asked.

I told them that I had been modelling and that I was thinking of branching into a different field.

"And your personal life?"

"That is my business. But just so you know my boyfriend is financially sound so my money is safe." I told them.

It was my second week there that the TV chat show was being recorded. I honestly didn't know why they wanted to interview me. All I had done was model some clothing, but they told me it was because I was British and some people were calling me the next Twiggy. That's a laugh. I'm the polar opposite of her.

During the interview I was asked lots of questions on what I did before I hit the fashion scene. So I told them everything.

Host: Then you met these guys.

A picture of the boys came up. I smiled.

Host: For those people who don't
follow tik tok or social
media so haven't a clue who
these boys are. They are the
elevator boys.

I smile at the photo and laugh as some of their funniest tik toks are shown.

Host: So you know them well?

Me: Yes they're my boys. I
wouldn't be here today
without them.

Host: They looked after you?

Me: Yeah they introduced me
though their agency and the
rest is history.

Host: Well we have a message
for you from them.

I looked at the screen. They all sat there waving.

Julien: Hey Pixie hope you're

Luis: Can't wait for you to get

Tim: Things have been quiet
here without you.

I saw Jacob get up and walk away.

Bene: You might be tiny but you
have left a big hole in our

They muttered between themselves looking round and calling for Jacob getting up to look for him. Then someone walked on stage carrying a large display of roses. As they put it down Jacob stood there wearing what he had on on the video clip. I gasped and a smile broke out across my face. He smiled and walked towards me. Dropping on one knee he held out an open box and said.

Jacob: Romanee 'Pixie' Reeves,
will you marry me?

I nodded 'Yes' and he stood picking me up, whispering 'I love you' as all the others ran on stage yelling.

Once we had all calmed down we sat in front of the host.

Host: I take it you have been dating?

Me: Yeah for the past two years.

Host: How did you meet?

Jacob: I blew her a kiss from an
elevator here in London.

The boys began to sing love in an elevator. Jacob hugged me.

Jacob: I made a promise to her
when we had been together
for three months, that she
was the only girl for me
and when the time was
right we would get
engaged. The time is right.

He lifted my hand and kissed it.

Host: She's such a tiny thing. How
tall are you?

Me: I'm five feet three inches in
my stocking feet.

Host: And you are?

Jacob: Six feet two.

I kicked off my shoes and we stood. I fit under his arm.

Jacob: She might be tiny but I
don't like getting on her
bad side.

Bene: She's like a rabid
chihuahua when she's

I hit him playfully.

Host: So any idea when the
wedding might be?

Me: There's no rush. We need to
plan things together as a

Host: A group?

Me: I know but marrying one is
like marrying them all.

Everyone laughed.


(Jacob pov)

I knew I wanted to marry her. I talked in the agency and told them. We arranged for a talk show in England to interview Pixie and we flew over, booking into a different hotel than her.

We arrived at the studio just before she did and after meeting the host we settled into a room made to look like one of our rooms at home. As the camera came on we all waved to her and everyone began to say something.

The door opened as Tim began to talk and I got up as arranged and walked away. I was handed a large display of red roses and led to the side of the stage. I walked on as prompted carrying it in front of my face and placed them down. My eyes met hers and we smiled.

Walking towards her I fetched a ring box out of my trouser pocket and went down on one knee. I knew the boys were not far behind me.

Me: Romanee 'Pixie' Reeves, will
you marry me?

I held my breath till she nodded. I stood and lifted her into my arms.

"I love you." I whispered as the boys ran on yelling and hugging us.

I went with her back to her hotel from the studio. We agreed to meet up with the boys in a few hours.

In her room, I pinned her against the wall arms above her head as I lent down and my lips found hers.

"Next time just tell me you are leaving." I growled in her ear before taking her lips again.

"Jacob please" she whispered, but my head wasn't computing. I just wanted her.

Picking her up I headed for the bed removing her dress and underwear. Picking up her bra I used it to fasten her hands to the bed's headboard. I undressed and ravished her with my lips and hands.

"Jacob please please don't." She begged, but I couldn't stop.

"I want you Pixie." I slid into her. My mouth latching and sucking her neck then her breasts as I thrust into her over and over. I filled her with my seed. My head rested on hers, my breathing laboured. Then I noticed her tears.

"S**t." I murmured.

I unfastened her arms and she pushed me away and ran into the bathroom.

My phone rang. It was Julien.

"Yup." I answered, my eyes were fixed on the bathroom door.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now