Soon We'll Meet Again

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(Jacob pov)

When that photo came through I was totally gobsmacked. She was stunning. I must get her to send some more photos of herself to me.
I called Tim over and showed him.
"Wow. Are you thinking what I am thinking?"
"I was going to get her to send me more selfies and I was going to show them in the office. Usually they like models over 5'6" But she is just too stunning to ignore her." I told him.
"You're right there. Can I have a copy?"
I looked at him.
"I'll think about it." I laughed.

"Hey guys take a look at this." Tim called.
"Hey, I'm not sharing her with everyone." I groaned as he snatched my phone and showed Bene and Luis.
"Wow a 20 definitely. Can she cook? No scrap that it doesn't matter." Bene drooled.
"Excuse me." I grabbed my phone back. "That's personal."
"Jacobs in love, Jacobs in love." Bene sang.
"And what if I am." I sat there huffing. "She's over 600 miles away and then soon she's moving to Spain." I trailed my finger over her photo.
"Hey don't give up on her dude. Fight for her. Show her you want her."
"How? I held her hand and touched her cheek. If only I'd kissed her." My eyes went to the ceiling.
"I think she likes you too." JoJo walked in the room with his laptop.
"Watch." He pressed play and images of our afternoon together came up. Suddenly he stopped the play. "Look how she's looking at you dude."

"I think she's into you." Tim smiled. "Those eyes just want to eat you up." He elbowed me. I sighed. "Some advice." Tim carried on. "Keep messaging her. Get to know her. What she likes and dislikes. Find out where she is going to be working and pay her a visit. Take a few days off and spend it with her."
"What have you got to lose bro?" Luis added. "Take the chance."
I knew they were right. I nodded and went to walk to my room.
"JoJo. I want a copy of that." He smiled at me.
"What just that bit or the whole three hours?"
"All of it. My hand is gonna be pretty busy for a while to come."
I lay on my bed and brought her photo up to look at. Romanee Rott. I wonder if we would ever get that far.   


(Romanee pov)

Jacob messages me every night. Tim does occasionally but I look forward to hearing from Jacob.
Tonight he has video chatted me.
"Are you all packed?" He smiled.
"Yep. My case is sitting ready."
"Case? You only have one? Don't tell me that is everything you own."
"Ok then I won't." I smiled at him.
"Show me your room?"
I looked at him.
"Do I have to?"
"Please Pixie."
I switched on the light and stood in the middle of the room, slowly turning.
"That's it?" He asked.
I switched the light off and sat back down.
"Yep, my life for the past year."
I sat looking down. I wasn't ashamed of how I lived but it could have been better.

"Hey Pixie, things are picking up now. Where are you staying in Spain?"
I told him and that the hotel had staff quarters so I would be in there with some others.
He was a bit worried and told me to make sure all my personal belongings were kept safe and to always keep my phone on me. I told him I would.
Then there was another voice.
"Is that my adventurous girl?" Tim appeared in view.
"Hey Tim. Are you looking after my smiler for me?" I grinned.
"He's driving us crazy. It's Romanee this, Pixie that." Jacob elbowed him. "Do us a favour and next time you see him give him something to shut him up."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Use your imagination." Tim winked.

I looked at Jacob who was cursing Tim in their language.
"So are you still coming to see me?" I asked. "Will you ok sharing my room?"
He smiled.
"Wild horses can't stop me. I'll be there sometime in July. Is that ok? I can't say for certain when until closer. As long as you're ok sharing with me I'm ok with it."
"That's fine. Do you mind if I tell them you're my boyfriend or they may be funny?" I chewed my thumb.
I watch a smile appear across his face and reach his eyes.
"I don't mind at all."
We talked for another half hour and then said our good-byes.

(4 weeks later)
Next day I received a text from Jacob telling me what time his plane was due to arrive and that he would let me know when he was in the taxi.
My room door was knocked. Opening it, Bryn and some others stood there.
"Coming to the beach?"
"Not today. My boyfriend is arriving." I smiled.
"Oh yeah, the mysterious boyfriend." Kylie smirked. " Bet you're going to be locked in here all weekend pretending he's here."
"Leave it Kylie." Bryn snapped. "See you later Rommy."
They walked off laughing.
I went and sat on the hotel steps to await his arrival.

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