A New Beginning?

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(Jacob pov)

She had eventually left and I rang Luis. He was the one who helped us out before and who held the grudge against me for her leaving.

Once I had hung up I saw Gianna begin to stir. I went and got her milk and picked up her changing bag as I passed. Picking her up I fed and changed her.

"Hey princess." She was sitting on my knees. "You are beautiful like your mommy. Has daddy got to warn off the boys when you grow up? I will, you know. No one's ever gonna hurt you. You have five big uncles who will protect you too. Wait till they see you. They will be fighting over babysitting duties." I laughed.


I turned my head and Toby stood rubbing his eyes.

"Hey big man. Do you want a drink and something to eat?"

He nodded and disappeared into a room.

I laid Gianna in her playpen and went into the kitchen. I heard the toilet flush and then a tap run before his little face appeared in the doorway.

"Ham, turkey or cheese?" I held them up.

"Dat one." He pointed at the turkey.

"Good choice. Anything else?"

I picked him up so he could see in the fridge. He pointed to tomatoes and lettuce.

He sat and ate his sandwich and drank his orange juice.


"She is sleeping. What do you want to do? Play or watch TV?"

He walked into the lounge and opened a cupboard. He fetched out crayons and colouring books. I smiled. Pixie loved colouring.

He settled at a little table near the window and coloured away.

The clinking of a glass took my eyes into the kitchen. Pixie was having a drink.

"I've given Gianna her milk and changed her. Toby had a sandwich and juice."

"Thank you." She whispered, opening the freezer, she looked for a while before pulling out some packages. "Is lasagne ok for your dinner?"

"I'll order in if you want?" I stood in the doorway.

She shook her head.

"I need to use these up so..."

She opened the oven and slid them in. Then went to the fridge and pulled out salad.

"I'll see to that. Your hand." I pointed to her left hand. "And until you are fully rested I don't want you near knives."

"Thank you." She looked defeated.

I pulled her against me and ran my hand down her back. How can she wear such thick clothes in this heat. Her body against mine made me feel I was whole again after so long.


(Romanee pov)

It hadn't even been 24hrs and Jacob was doing a better job than I have done in 6 months.

Having prepared the salad he bathed and changed the kids for bed. I went in and kissed them as he tucked them in. Then he plated our meal and brought it in.

"Do you need painkillers?"

"I'm ok thanks."

After a couple of mouthfuls I chased a cherry tomato around my plate.

"You need to eat more than that. You're going to be ill." He watched me.

I really wasn't hungry. Too much going around in my head. Putting my plate on the coffee table I stood too quickly and ended up on my knees.

"Hey easy." He grasped me. "How long have you not been eating properly?"

I curled up.

"Do I have to ask Alfonso when I see him?" He put some lasagne on my fork and held it in front of my mouth.

"Stop being stubborn." He growled.

I took it. "That didn't hurt, did it. I have to be back in Germany in two days, I have meetings after then. Can you pack in time?"

"But I haven't..." I began but he jumped in.

"You are coming home with me Pixie. No arguing. You can't expect Alfonso and Gabriella to be constantly looking after you. I'm your husband, it's my job to look after you."

Another forkful of lasagne appeared.

"I won't move into the mansion." I told him. "Gianna is not like Toby. She will keep everyone awake all night."

"So what will you do?"

"I'll book a hotel till I find an apartment. I'll get Alfonso to get my belongings delivered to furnish it."

I watched his face. He wasn't happy with it but resigned to agreeing to it so I would return.

We sat watching Netflix and he stood.

"I'll go and run you a bath then I will wash your hair." He walked off before I could argue.

I stood in the bathroom in my joggers and hoodie as he unbraided my hair.

"You don't have to do this." I whispered.

"And how will you do it? Come on, it's not as if I haven't done it before." He took the last braid out. "Clothes off."

I stared at him. He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Pixie? Clothes."

I slipped them off and stood there in my underwear. I heard him gasp as he looked at me. His eyes scanned my body. He coughed. "Ok now those and in you get. Keep that hand out of the water." I quickly removed my underwear and climbed in.

I know he wasn't happy with my now skeletal frame.

"Where are the bruises from?" He was washing my hair.

"I blacked out last week and hit the table before hitting the floor."

I could feel his anger. I bit my lip, holding back the tears that were fighting to be released.

He dried me off and I left him to get dressed. I took him a blanket and pillow and said goodnight.

"Thanks. Goodnight baby girl." He kissed my hand.

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