We Need More Room

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(Jacob pov)

There was no way she was staying here, especially after seeing the bruising. She wasn't strong enough. Not eating properly isn't helping her.
She brought me out a blanket and a pillow and rushed back into her room. What I would give just to hold her. I walked out onto the balcony and rang Tim.

Tim: Hey dude how's things?
Me: She's coming back with me
but she won't move into the
Tim: Hold on the guys are here
I'll put you on speaker...
what do you mean she won't
move into the mansion?
Bene: Why won't she?
Me: Gianna. She's not a good
sleeper and is up most of the
night. Can someone book a
hotel room. Double with two
cots. I need to find an
apartment for them close to
the mansion.
JoJo: I know where there is one.
It's two bedroom just had
the sign put up. It's just
down the road. Do you want
us to check it out for you?
Me: Please. It needs to be
available from Wednesday
or Thursday next week.
That's when her belongings
will be arriving.
Luis: Is everything ok? You sound
Me: Wait till you see her. You will
know why I'm not my usual
self. She's skin and bone,
covered in bruises.
Julien: Someone's been hitting
Me: No she's not eating and
fatigued due to Gianna's lack
of sleep. She's got no energy
or strength. She's been
blacking out.

I heard Gianna start to snuffle.
Me: Got to go, little one waking.
Speak tomorrow.

I fed and settled Gianna. Pixie's bedroom door was slightly open and I heard her call my name. Quietly I entered her room. A small night light gave a romantic kind of glow around the bed.
She looked at me.
"Are you ok? Is your hand hurting? Do you need painkillers?" I walked towards her bed.
"Is Gianna..."
"She's ok. I've settled her down again." I smiled and walked away.
"Don't leave me." Her words stopped me in my tracks. "Stay here with me."
I wasn't sure if she meant don't go back into the lounge or don't go back to Germany. I turned and she pulled back the covers.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. I pulled off my shirt and trousers and slid in beside her.
"Don't worry I'm not going to eat you?" She giggled as I lay rigid.
'God I wish she would' my mind screamed, my cock hardening painfully at the thought. A year with just my hand has been torture.
Her small body curled against mine. I raised my arm and she rested her head on my chest and her hand on my abs. Her leg crossed mine. I gulped for breath.
"This is ok...isn't it?" She asked.
"Perfect." I whispered.

The next day I took Toby with me to the hotel and booked out. We returned to help with the packing. When I got there Gabriella had arrived and was phoning someone to transport her belongings.
"JoJo has got you an apartment, just down the road from the mansion. It's ready to move your things into, so just take enough clothing for a few days and pack the rest to come with your furniture." I told her. We sat down.
"How did you two meet?" Gabriella asked.
I told her.
"Then she took a job in spain." Pixie shushed me. I ignored her. "I went out for a few days to see her..."
"Jacob." She elbowed me.
"... That's where I..."
Her lips crashed on mine. She lifted her head and our eyes locked on each other.
"... Gave her my promise ring." I whispered.

I felt Gabriella move ushering Toby along with her.
My hand went up behind Pixie's neck and I lowered my head, lips claiming hers. She didn't push away but climbed over straddling me as the kiss became heated.
Breaking to breathe I placed my forehead on hers.
"I'm not going any further, liebling. Not yet. As much as I want to lay you back and ravish you right here, now isn't the time. Too much to do."
She buried her head in my shoulder nipping me with her teeth.
"Baby please I'm fighting to keep my hands and other parts of my body to myself."
"Ok." She murmured moving away from me.
"It will happen, I promise, but let's get ready to leave first. But be warned I'm going to be kissing you every opportunity I get." And I did.

I stayed with her at the hotel and a few days later me and the boys moved her belongings into the apartment. I moved in here too.
Our love life was almost back to normal. I worried though, about her being so thin and made sure she ate well.
I had to travel and do some work but she stayed behind as Toby was in kindergarten.
It was a few months later, when I returned home from a fashion week, I found her looking at realtor sites.
"Are you thinking of moving us?"
"Erm I think we need to. The kids are growing and need their own rooms and..."
She stood and I noticed a small bulge appearing in her stomach.
"Again?" She nodded as I swung her round in happiness.
"No more after this one. I'll get my tubes tied." She laughed.
I kissed her.
"I can't wait." I dropped and kissed her belly. "Hey munchkin. I love you." I whispered against it.
I stood and took her in my arms.
"So where are we looking at moving to?"
We sat in front of the laptop and scanned the sites.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now