Goodbye Spain

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(Romanee and Jacobs pov)

Next day they headed to the beach again. Having checked his tik tok this morning it had already hit over 9 thousand views.

Bene had rang him and was overjoyed that his friend was now happy.

"Romanee, are you sure it's him you want?" He laughed.

"Who else would I want?" She replied.

"Well you haven't met me yet." He laughed. "Or Luis."

"I'm quite happy, thanks. But I can't wait to meet you." She handed the phone back to Jacob.

They chased each other along the beach, in and out of the water.

Soon they came face to face with the hotel group.

Kylie looked at them as if they had messed her whole life up.

"Everything ok?" Romanee asked.

"Fine." Kylie huffed.

"Did you get engaged last night?" Bryn asked.

"No. We just promised ourselves to each other." Jacob told him. "But we will be getting engaged in the not too distant future. I love Romanee but we have only been together for three months. We feel it's too early for such a commitment."

"I bet you won't last." Kylie spat. "Have you even let him touch you?" She was in Romanee's face.

"That's none of your business." Jacob got between them. He turned to Romanee. "Come on Pixie." He led her away.

"You know she's going to be making trouble for you don't you." He held her against him.

"It's only four weeks." She sighed.

"Come back with me. As you say it's only four weeks." He begged her.

"I've got a contract. I can't."

"No such thing as can't." He took her to the manager's office.

When they left half an hour later they packed her bags.

"Got you on the same flight. We won't be sitting together but I don't care." He put his phone down.

"Jacob, are you sure you want me?"

She sat twiddling the ring on her finger.

He crouched in front of her.

"Pixie I'm more than sure. When we are ready then we will get married. But let's see what happens when we get home."


"I'm hoping you will make my home yours too."

Romanee began to cry and Jacob began to panic thinking he had upset her.

"It's ok." She mumbled. "I haven't had a 'home' for over three years."

There was a furious bang at her door.

She answered it.

Bryn stood there fuming.

"You're leaving!!!! With him!!!! Why are you crying? Has he upset you? Is he making you go?" He screamed pushing his way into the room.

"Bryn for God's sake." She grabbed him.

"Yes I'm leaving. Yes I'm leaving with Jacob. I'm crying because for the first time in a very long time I'm happy. He hasn't upset me. I love him, I want to be with him."

Bryn looked at her.

"So this isn't all pretend for tik tok. It's an actual relationship?"

She wrapped her arms around Jacob who relaxed in her warmth.

"It's not pretend Bryn. Why would you think that?"

"Kylie said..." She looked at him. "She's just jealous isn't she?"

"That girl is delusional." Jacob kissed her head. "Be careful around her."

"Gee man I'm sorry." Bryn sat down. "I care, you know." Romanee went to him. "Now I know why you kept saying no." He held her hand. "You could have told us."

"I did. I told you I had a boyfriend."

Bryn smiled "Yeah but not that it was an elevator boy." He laughed

"Would you have believed me? Would it have made a difference who he was?" She laughed as he shook his head.

"I'm happy Bryn. More than happy." She walked into Jacobs arms. "He's my world."

"And she's mine." Jacob added.

"When do you leave?" He stood.

"Our flight is at six so in a few hours." Jacob told him.

"Let me know when you get home safe?" Bryn asked as he stood.

"I will. Thanks for being there Bryn."

He smiled and left.

"So Bryn wanted you?" Jacob kissed her neck with a smile on his lips.

"He asked me out a few times. But he ain't my type." She tilted her neck to give him more access.

"What is your type?"

"Mmm let me see. He's got to be about 6 foot, uncontrollable hair, and a good body." He hugged her. "Someone like erm... Tim." She giggled as he pulled a face then tickled her. Her laugh is like sunshine on a rainy day. "Ok.... Ok.... Wrong elevator boy." She laughed.

"It better be. That body belongs to me."

They snuggled for a while before checking around to make sure nothing was left behind.

Outside the group waited to say goodbye, all except Kylie.

"She's pissed. The bosses have put your work all on hers, plus I set her straight." Bryn hugged her. "Gonna miss you Rommy."

"I'll miss you all too. But..." she looked at Jacob, "I need to go with my heart."

They waved goodbye and climbed in the taxi to the airport.

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