Computer Wizzard

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(Jacob pov)

I walked into the park stopping at the flower seller to buy her some flowers. Checking the map I headed to the fountain. She was sitting there. Jeans and a long armed white t-shirt and body warmer. Her hair was braided close to her head and she wore sunglasses. She wrapped her arms around herself.
As soon as she noticed me she tensed up where she sat.
I walked up to her.
"Hey." I whispered.
She nodded.
I held out the flowers.
"Not much but they're for you."
"Thank you." She took them, our fingers brushing together.

I sat beside her. The silence was deafening.
"How have you been?"
She pulled the arms of her t-shirt over her hands.
"As well as I can be." She replied.
"Your blood... the baby?"
"All good." She kept her eyes on the floor.
"Are they ok? The kids?"
She nodded.
I looked around. This was getting nowhere.
"Look Pixie. About that day. I don't know what you saw but it was nothing. We were just doing tik toks."
"Funny how none of them actually appeared on the app." She spat.
"After what happened... you leaving... I deleted them. Got everyone to." I reached for her hand. She pulled it away.
"Why didn't you tell me about the pregnancy?" I looked at her. "Look at me Pixie." She turned her head. "Take off the glasses, let me see your eyes."
She pushed them up. Her eyes had dark circles under them. Her ice blue eyes were dull. "What..?"
"Gianna is not a good sleeper. I sleep when I can."

I moved closer to her.
"Come back with me. Let me be there for you, help you."
"So you'll fit me in between being with Aisha. I'll stay here." She huffed.
I stood, throwing my hands in the air.
"There is no me and Aisha. Yes I dated her back before I met you but there will never be a 'me and Aisha'."
"Oh no..." she stood. "A picture paints a thousand words."
I was confused.
"What picture?"
"The ones I got sent to me. The one where... forget it."
She stood and began to walk away. I ran after her.
"Pixie... What pictures? Who sent them?" I demanded.
She went into her bag and threw an envelope at me.
"These and here take your flowers and give them to her."
She ran away.
I ran after her but she had disappeared.

Back in my hotel room I looked at the photos. They were ones taken years ago but I was wearing my wedding ring and I looked like I do now. I video chatted JoJo. He explained that my face now and my wedding ring can be copied onto old photos.
"I've a feeling I know who did this." He told me. "Leave it with me. Do you want me to talk to Rommy?"
I asked him to and thanked him.
A few hours later my phone pinged.
Pixie: Meet me here tomorrow
around 2pm. It's my friend's
She sent an address.
Me: Ok thank you. Did JoJo speak
to you?
Pixie: We will talk tomorrow.
I looked at my watch. 8.30pm. 2pm seemed a lifetime away.


(JoJo pov)

As soon as Jacob showed me the photos I knew who's work it was. I rang them and they totally admitted it was them and who it was who got them to do it. I also asked how they got her address because none of us could find it. I went to the guys.
"Dude what's wrong?" Bene looked up from the computer screen where he and Julien were finishing their twitch.
"I need to speak to you all." I walked away and collected the others.
They all sat looking at me.
"So..?" Luis asked.
I explained my call with Jacob.
"So someone is trying to keep them apart. Who?" Tim asked.
"Aisha. She got hold of someone I know and they doctored the photos. They got Rommys address too. What should we do?"

"First you ring Rommy. Put her straight. Then..." Julien was interrupted by Angelina who had already got her coat on.
"I'll sort the b***h out." She marched towards the elevator with Julien and Luis hot on her tail.
"You better keep her away from me in the future. I won't be responsible for my actions. Let's hope Rommy understands and comes home. She's got her hands full now." Tim sighed.

I was on the phone with Rommy for almost an hour. But fingers crossed I got through to her. I couldn't believe what a b***h Aisha had become. I know she had a thing for Jacob, but that was a while ago.
I heard the guys return and that Angelina had put Aisha in her place, that girl could bring anyone down with her words, she didn't need to fight. But I'm glad Julien and Luis had gone with her.
All we could do now was wait and see how things went in Milan and prepare ourselves for dealing with a broken Jacob if they don't go well. I can't wait to meet their daughter. If she's as cute as Toby was at that age she's gonna have us all wrapped around her little finger.

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