Normal Service Resumes

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(Romanee pov)

I was prepared for the pain. I'd watched many deliveries on YouTube, it was wonderful though. Jacob held my hand and kept a cool flannel on my head to cool me down. His face was amazing when he saw his son for the first time. He had a thick head of dark brown almost black hair, and his eyes were ice blue like mine.

After being cleaned up, I was taken to my room. I was still on a drip. The numbness underneath was wearing off so the nurse gave me some painkillers to ease the pain.

The door opened and Jacob walked in. He told me our son was in the nursery and would be brought to me soon. He said he had contacted his mum and that his parents would be with us in a few days.

"What about the boys?" I asked.

"They came to the hospital and have been sitting in the waiting room for the past three hours."

I laughed.

"What are we going to do with those idiots? Have they seen him?"

He said they had and had gone back to the waiting room until visiting time which was in about another hour.

"Smiler, what are we going to call him? We haven't even thought about a name."

"How about Toby?" he asked. "I've always liked that name"

I smiled.

"I like that name too. Toby Rott. Yes I like it."

He was now snuggled against my breast, feeding. His little fingers are holding me. When he had had enough I burped him and passed him to Jacob.

"He's so tiny. How heavy was he?"

"6lb 11oz. I'm glad he wasn't heavier." I moved carefully as my stitches pulled. "Next time you hold him you'll have to take your t-shirt off and his babygrow. Skin on skin is good for bonding, the nurse said." I told him.

The boys surrounded the bed during visiting, giving me hugs and getting a better look at Toby.

Jacob video chatted with his parents and we chatted before he left. He didn't want to go but I asked him to as I needed sleep.

I spent three days in the mansion with the boys before they left to spend Christmas with their families. Jacobs' family came to spend Christmas with us. His mom wouldn't let me do anything until Jacob told her I'd go berserk if I didn't do something. So we took it in turns to cook.

Toby was a good boy. Even when he woke in the night he never really cried much. There was hardly a day I didn't find Jacob sitting with him lying up his chest, their bond was astounding.

The boys returned for new year and we brought it in together.


(Jacob pov)

I never thought a baby would make me feel so happy. Such a tiny little thing filled my heart with pure joy.

Even though mom said she would do all the food for us so Rommy could rest, do you think she would? No.

We had to go to the hospital a few times to get her blood count checked as there were times she was so worn out she couldn't even hold the baby for long. This caused arguments between us, as I wanted her to slow down but she just wouldn't.

My mum took her to one side and talked to her. But the look she gave me after the talk told me she wasn't happy with me.

"Pixie, please rest. You need your energy." I begged her.

"But once your family has gone, it's all down to me again. So I may as well do it now." She told me.

"No, me and the boys are going to help out, we told you this. You cannot do everything babe, please just rest for me and for Toby."

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now