Splash Splash

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(Jacob pov)

Boy those girls were bitches. As soon as the one recognised me her attitude changed and she became flirty. I got Romanee to climb on my back and I carried her further down the beach. Finding a quieter spot I helped her down. We laid the towels down and she pulled off her large t-shirt. God her body was more than I dreamed of. I flipped over into my stomach, squashing my sudden boner.

"I think I'm definitely Kylie's enemy now, " she laughed, lying beside me.

"At least you've only a few weeks left here. Any ideas on what you are doing after?"

She shook her head.

"They have said I could stay on but they don't need much staff through the winter months."

In the distance I could see her 'friends' walking towards us.

"I've something I want to talk to you about, but I'll do that when we get back, we are about to be invaded. Let's give them something to watch."

My boner had gone down a little so I stood and pulled her to her feet. "Wrap your legs around me." I whispered as I lifted her up. Then I headed to the sea.

"Jacob. What are you doing?"

"Being a fun boyfriend." I dropped her into the sea.

"You..." Coughing from swallowing water, she splashed me and tried to run away, not getting very far when I grabbed her, throwing her into the water again. The look on her face was a picture and I turned and laughed. She jumped up on my back squeezing me tight. I spun her round in front of me and kissed her.

Carrying her to our towels I lay her on them and leaning over her carried on kissing her. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck. Her fingers then went into my hair as she kissed me back. My cock sprang into life.

I lifted my head a little, my breath coming out in gasps.

"Wow Pixie. That's a hell of a kiss."

I lifted my head and saw the group had gone. "You can stop kissing me now, if you want to."

I watched as her eyes moved from mine to my lips and back. Her tongue flicked out, licking her lips.

"Or we could take this back to your room."

"But the picnic?"

"We can eat it there."

I gathered up the stuff and she held onto me tight as we headed back to the hotel.

I could feel the tension in her body.

As her room door closed I said.

"Pixie we don't have to do anything but cuddle. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to."

Walking to the bed she turned and looked at me.

"That's where the problem lies." she says. "I want to but I've never..."

I crossed the space between us and took her in my arms.

"It's okay baby, either way I'm happy just to be here with you."


(Romanee pov)

My insides were knotted up. I wanted Jacob so much, but I'd never done anything like that. God I'd never really kissed properly till a little earlier. Will he want me when he knows that I'm not experienced?

I walked away from him and stood near the bed.

"That's where the problem lies, I say to him. "I want to but I've never..."

He walked towards me and took me in his arms.

"It's ok baby either way I'm happy just to be here with you."

I lay my head on his chest.

"No Jacob. I want you, please." I whispered. I felt him swallow hard then he said.

"Are you sure Pixie? Are you sure that's what you want?" I nodded.

"Let's shower first, get this salt water and sand off us, then we will see what happens." He laughed. "Although if things do progress we will probably need to shower again."

He took my hand and walked me into the bathroom switching on the shower he turned to me.

"Shall we save water?" I blushed a little but nodded. "Okay."

He leaned forward and pulled at the fastening to my bikini top. It fell to the floor. Then he hooked his thumbs in my bikini bottoms and pushed them down.

I tried to cover myself but he stopped my hands from moving.

"Please Pixie don't." he whispered. "Let me look at you."

Embarrassed, I lowered my hands. I felt his eyes roaming my body.

"God Romanee, you are more beautiful than I thought. Why do you hide yourself so much?"

"I'm not perfect though. Not like the girls that hang around with you guys."

I walked into the shower.

He removed his shorts and joined me. I kept my eyes firmly on his chest.

The cool jets of the water hit my body and I shivered.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm ok." I reached for some hair shampoo and I washed my hair.

"I wouldn't have needed to do this if you didn't throw me in the water." I giggled.

"Oh but you look lovely when wet." he smiled.

Wrapping a towel around myself, I patted myself dry and walked back into the bedroom. He followed a towel wrapped around his waist hanging low. Lifting the cover, I slid into bed leaving the towel on the floor. He climbed in beside me.

"Can I just get one thing straight?" He lifted my head and looked me in the eyes. "Those girls, they're not you. They are friends, I don't want them. To be quite honest I don't think any of us guys want them, but I want you. Since I first laid eyes on you, looking in that shop in London, I can't get you off my mind. You're there every minute of the day. Do you think about me sometimes?"

"All the time. I find myself waiting for you to call at night and then if you're a few minutes late I think maybe that you didn't want to speak to me anymore."

We lay next to each other, not touching.

"You wanted to talk to me about something? That's what you said at the beach."

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now