Time is a Healer?

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(Romanee pov)

I climbed out of the taxi and stood there while another taxi from a different firm pulled in.
"Can you take me to the nearest hotel please?" I smiled at him.
I held Toby against me.
"Dada dada." He cooed.
"Yes baby."
"Mom mom mom." I smiled at him.
"Yes it's just the two of us baby for a while." I kissed his head.
In the hotel I settled us on the bed and then looked at the flights for tomorrow.
"Where do you fancy Toby? England or Italy?"
I booked a flight online and settled down with Toby.

As we landed I rang Alfonso, my marketing manager. He came and collected us and took us to the apartment I had rented there.
"You could stay with me and Gabriella. You look like you need someone to talk to." He helped me with my luggage.
"I'm ok. I've got your number if I need to talk. Thank you so much for your help." I hugged him and he left.
I messaged Luis.
Me: Hey just letting you know I'm
Luis: Can you tell me where you
Me: I could but I won't. How's
Luis: A mess. You need to speak
to him. You may have got
the wrong idea.
Me: ......(silence)
Luis: Look, come back. Talk to
him. I know he's a t**t but
listen to him.
Me: I can't come back. Not yet.
I've got to work things out.
Luis: What is there to work out?
You love him, he loves you.
You've got a fantastic little
boy who needs you both.
Rommy it was an honest
Me: Does he love me though?
We've spent too much time
apart. He has needs.
Luis: He's touched no one else,
not that way. I know. I asked
JoJo.They shared a room.
You have needs too, did
Me: There's no one else for me.
Luis: Then come home.
Me: I'll ring him... maybe. Bye

I phoned Jacob.
Jacob: Pixie, liebling is that you?
(he cried)
Me: Jacob.
Jacob: Tell me where you are, let
me come to you. I need
you liebling.
Me: Yeah it really looked like you
needed me.
Jacob: We were recording a tik
tok. Nothing else please
believe me.
Me: And your hands needed to be
on her ass groping her for
this tik tok.
Jacob: No...I didn't...they didn't...it
meant nothing Pixie,
I just want to hold you and
show you I only want you,
no one else.

Toby cried.

Jacob: Is he ok? Can I speak to
(He heard him gurgle)
Hey Toby, it's dada. Are
you looking after mommy?

"Dada dada dada mom mom mom"

I heard a sob come from Jacob.
Me: He's ok. I'm just going to take
him a walk.
Jacob: Pixie please, please believe
Me: It's hard not to believe what I
saw Jacob. Give me time.
Jacob: How much time? Pixie.
Me: Bye Jacob.


(Jacob pov)

I sat looking at my phone. As much as I felt better for talking to her, the thought of us being apart was killing me. We should be together now. Getting ready to go on holiday as a family. The boys told me to still go but I can't... not on my own.

I threw myself into work. Getting myself some extra modelling gigs, and working around the office. I hit the gym hard with anyone who would go with me, even going alone.

I did ring her a few times and a few times she answered letting me speak to Toby.
She still didn't give me an idea on when or if she would come home. But just hearing her voice gave me hope.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. And months turned into....

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