A Fun Afternoon

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(Romanee pov)

Using the phone in the hostel office I rang the number on the ad.
They gave me all the information and I signed up. I had a month before I needed to leave. So I needed to write out my notice. Luckily I kept my passport up to date. The last time I left the country I was with my parents. They never returned with me. They died in a skiing accident.

The next day was my day off. So I did my washing and ironing before going into the city. I wanted some toiletries so I wandered around. Sitting in the park, I watched the families playing. I smiled. Those children didn't know how lucky they were.
I stood and slowly headed back towards the hostel.
"HEY." Two guys came hurtling towards me. I froze as I was swept off my feet and spun around.
As my feet touched the floor I was picked up again by the other.

Holding my head I could swear my eyes were still spinning. Shaking it I looked at the two.
"Oh hi." I walked to the nearest bench and sat down till my head settled.
"Sorry, have we put your head on a spin?" Tim asked
"It's ok. I think." I said blinking a few times.
"We didn't see you this morning." Jacob grinned at her.
She looked into his eyes and she swore her heart stopped for a few beats.
"My day off. I've been sorting a few things out." I told them.
"So you've time to yourself." Jacob asked.
"Yeah I've just got my resignation to write out."
"You're giving your job up?"
I nodded.
"I'm going to work in Spain for the summer."
They were sitting with me.
"What about at the end of the summer?" Tim asked.
"I'll sort something out then. I just need a change."

I stood to walk away but they followed.
"You gonna be doing the same thing though?"
"Yes but at least I will have a beach to go and sit on and I can get a tan."
"Will we see you before we leave tomorrow?" Tim asked
"I'm not sure. It's all according to where I'm working."
"Ok, then spend the afternoon with us."
I looked at them and their faces lit up at their suggestion.
"Ok. Why not."
All the time I never saw their friend hanging around recording.


(Elevator boys pov)

They had finished their shoot and decided to record some tiktoks. Finding the nearest park, JoJo started recording, while the boys messed around dancing and whatever.
Tim stopped and tapped Jacob.
"Romanee at 6 o'clock."
Jacob stopped and turned. He stood just staring at her.
Her hair was down, she was wearing three quarter trousers and a boob tube. These were covered by a long cardigan.
"Earth to Jacob, come in, Jacob." Tim waved his hands in front of his friend's eyes.

Jacob began to run followed by Tim. She spotted them and stood there.
Wrapping his arms around her he spun her. She laughed.
Putting her down, Tim picked her up and did the same.
She looked a little disoriented when he stopped and she headed to a bench.
They asked her some questions and she replied.
She was moving to Spain for work. They didn't blame her or her reasons. There's a beach and sun.
So they asked her to spend the afternoon with them, jumping with glee when she agreed.
All the time JoJo was recording.

"Get your phone out and take photos." Tim said, clicking away.
"I don't have a phone."
They looked at her.
"What do you do if you need to contact someone or have an emergency?"
She looked down.
"I use the one in the hostel office or the hotel's phone or a public phone box. It's no big deal."
"But you're going to Spain. You need memories." Jacob touched her face.
It was like an electric shock passed between them.
"I'll carry them with me here and here." She touched her head and heart.

"But you'll have nothing to show your children." Tim groaned.
She laughed out loud.
"I need to find someone to marry me before that happens. I've plenty of time."
They sat at a table and bench.
"You've got to meet our friends." Jacob said, pressing a call on his phone.
He spoke in German.
"Bene get the others we need to show you something." Within minutes the boys stood there.
"Guys we would like you to meet Romanee."
Just Jacob and Tim were on the screen.
"So where is she?" Bene asked.
"Oh yeah." They stooped down and she appeared between their heads.
"Romanee, this is Bene, Luis and Julien." Jacob whispered in her ear. His lips brushed against it.
"Hi." She smiled at the three guys who stood with their mouths open.

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