We Are Going to be A.....Family

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(Jacob pov)

The doctors ran loads of tests. Bloods, urine, you name it they did it. I was sitting here waiting to see if she woke up or if they would tell me what was wrong. I held her hand, Bene was right she was cold.
"God Pixie, why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? I would've stayed with you. Come on now, please fight this. I need you."
I kissed her fingers. The door opened and a doctor walked in.
"Mr Rott, I'm Dr Schneider. Your wife has not been well has she." He looked at his clipboard at her notes. "How long has she had this?"
"I have known for 18 months. I'm not sure. She was ill, she went back to London, then to Rome and then came back several months later and told me she had this. What's wrong, doctor?"
"Well Mr Rott, it seems that your wife's condition has kind of put her to sleep until it can cope with the changes happening. We are giving her more iron and vitamins because her body now needs them. She will need to take extra vitamins now until the baby arrives."
Jacob sat there stunned.
"Baby? What bab...you mean she's... I'm going to be... a baby." He stammered.
"Yes, a baby. I don't know how far she's gone, and I take it by your surprise that you didn't know either, so I assume she may not or maybe she does. We'll soon find out. We need to check the gestation."
Jacob nodded and the doctor left. The door was knocked and Tim put his head in. Jacob motioned for him to enter.
"What's happening? Did he say what's wrong?" He came and stood by him, looking down at Pixie.
"She's....she's pregnant. I'm going to be a dad." Jacob cried.

As they stood in the middle of the room Tim hugging his friend the others crept in.
"S**t is it bad? She's not going to... well you know... she's not is she?" Luis asked.
Tim shook his head as Jacob carried on crying.
"No dudes." Tim said looking at Jacob who nodded. "She's having a baby."
The four guys gasped.
"So why is she asleep?" Julien inquired.
Jacob pulled himself together and wiped his eyes.
"They think it's because due to her issues her body has shut down for a while to cope with its changes for the blood that is needed for the baby. I'm going to be a daddy, guys."
He walked to his wife's side and pulled down the covers then lifted her shirt to show her still flat stomach.
"I've put a baby in there." He grinned. "We're gonna be mummy and daddy soon, baby. Please Pixie, please wake up."
After planting little kisses over her stomach, he covered her back up.

Later that day, Jacob sat by his still sleeping wife's side as they did an ultrasound on her stomach. The sonographer turned and looked at him.
"I would say she is about two months pregnant, but we would have to do another one in a few weeks to know for sure. Hopefully she will be awake soon." They smiled at him.
Back in her room, he rang and told the guys then he rang his mum and dad to tell them the news.
"Do you want me to come down and be with you for a while?" His mum asked, "at least until she is awake."
"No mum, it's okay, I'll be fine. I've got the guys, plus I've got some work I need to do. Luckily I haven't got to go away for a few weeks, she should be back to normal by then fingers crossed."
He didn't want to leave her side but the nurses promised him they would ring him if she woke.
Back at the mansion they all sat around talking and wondering what the baby was going to be.
"Whatever sex it is, it's an elevator baby." Bene laughed.
"I thought you would be the first dad amongst us Julien," Jacob laughed. "Looks like I pipped you to the post."
"Honeymoon baby I bet." Tim grinned. "I bet you never left the bedroom really did you."
"Yes we did, you saw the photos. How could we have taken those if we were in the bedroom all day and all night."
"Well whatever, I can't believe you're gonna be a daddy." Luis rubbed Jacob's head.
"There are some things I do right." He got cushions thrown at him.



Romanee's eyes fluttered open. She looked around the room wondering where on earth she was.
"You're awake at last Mrs Rott." A nurse smiled at her. She pressed a button above her head.
"I'll just get the doctor to check you over and then I'll ring your husband."

The door opened and at tall elderly gentleman walked in.
"Mrs Rott I'm so pleased to meet you at last. My name is Dr Schneider, and I have been looking after you since you arrived here just over a week ago."
"A week. What on earth happened? I remember going to sleep when my husband left for work, and I just opened my eyes."
The doctor explained a few things to her.
"Now Mrs Rott, have you missed any periods?" She shook her head.
"No and I haven't missed any of my treatments for my blood condition either, so why did I fall asleep and why for so long?"
"Well," the doctor carried on. "It seems that you're carrying a little passenger."
"A baby? But why haven't I felt any different?" She said in shock.
"I can just assume it's because of your condition. We did a scan, and it showed you to be roughly two months, but we need to do another now you are awake to determine the full gestation period."
The nurse came back in and told her that Jacob was on his way.
"I'll arrange for the scan and we'll sort that out then hopefully you can go home within the next 48 hours."
The doctor smiled and left giving the nurse his orders for Romanee.
Romanee looked at the drips attached to her then down at her stomach and tears filled her eyes.
"So Jacob's going to be a daddy." She whispered running her fingers over her stomach.
"You're such a lucky little one, he's a wonderful man and he'll be a wonderful daddy to you. Hopefully I'll be there to see it, but if I'm not please believe me mommy loves you too."

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