Presents for Pixie

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(Romanee pov)

I had a great afternoon with the boys and meeting their friends was hysterical.
I left them at the park not wanting them to see how I was living. I made an excuse that I needed to get a few more things before heading back.
My cheeks ached from laughing and my legs hurt from running but it was the best day I had had for a long long time.

At work I handed in my notice. Although shocked, Mrs Jeavons accepted it. I grabbed my work and headed up. I wasn't on the boys floor so I didn't get to say goodbye to them. In the locker room later the girl who was, said she was unimpressed with them.
"They just looked at me. I smiled at them and they just looked away." She told another girl.
Then Mrs Jeavons came in.
"Romanee. These are for you. I don't usually let gifts be left for staff but as you are leaving soon I'll let it slip this time."
She handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
I smiled as I read the card.
"To our elevator girl, keep hold of your dreams. J & T."

I walked out with the girls staring at me.
As I passed the dress shop the sales assistant came out.
"Romanee I've something for you."
She handed me a box. "I was asked to pass this onto you."
I looked puzzled. But smiled and thanked her.

(Earlier that day)
The boys pulled over at the shop en route to the airport. Jacob ran in. The sales assistant smiled at him.
"Is everything ok?" She looked worried.
"Yes I need to ask a big favour. Could you give this to Romanee for me please? We're not allowed to give them gifts. I know she's going to be leaving soon but I don't want to make her last few weeks there awkward."
He handed back the box. The assistant smiled.
"That's no problem. She's a very lucky girl. Are you dating?"
"Not at the moment but I'm hoping." Jacob smiled and thanked her as JoJo beeped on the car horn. He ran back outside and climbed into the car.


In my room I placed the flowers on my cabinet and sat to open the box.
I heard a ringing coming from it. Taking the lid off a phone sat there. Jacobs' name came on the screen. I answered it.
Me: Hello.
Jacob: You got it.
Me: Erm yeah. Who do I give it back to?
Jacob: No one silly. It's yours. We've put our numbers in and some of the photos we took
Me: Why have you done this?
Jacob: A selfish reason really. We
want to keep in touch with you.
Did you like the rest of your
Me: The flowers are beautiful.
Jacob: No in the box with the phone.
Me: I haven't seen it.
Jacob: Ok I'm going to hang up and you can look at it. Then I want a photo of you in it. Bye.
Me: Ok bye.

I put the phone down and fetched out an envelope. I decided to read whatever was in it later.
Folding back the tissue paper I found my jade green dress. Tears ran from my eyes. He bought it for me. Quickly I stripped and pulled it on. It fit perfectly. Then I had to find out how to set the timer for the camera.
Eventually I got a picture I was satisfied with and sent it to Jacob.
Jacob: Pixie, I never thought you
could look any more beautiful.
Going to get this printed and
put it in a frame by my bed.
You'll have to wear it when I
take you on a date.
I smiled to myself as I carefully folded it and put it back in its box.

Later that night I sat to read the letter.
' Hey my beautiful Pixie.
I hope you don't mind me buying
you the dress. It was the first time
I ever saw you. You were soaking
wet staring into the shop window
so I did some investigation lol. I'm
going to miss you and so I've
bought you a phone so we can
keep in contact. You don't have to
top it up. I've put it on my contract.
You do want to keep in touch with me don't you?🤞.
Love Jacob ❤️'
I picked up the phone and messaged him.
Me: Hey I've just read your letter.
Thank you for buying me the
dress. But you didn't have to. I'm
used to going without what I want or would like. Yes I would like to keep in contact with you. Tim also if he wants. I'm lying in bed and I am off to sleep soon. Take care smiler ❤️ xx
Jacob: Will let Tim know. Sleep well.
Pixie ❤️ xx.

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