Parisian Sunset

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(Two weeks later
JoJo and Jacob phone call)

The two friends were on a phone call.

Jacob: How's my Pixie doing?
She says everything is ok
but I want the real answer.
JoJo: On the catwalk fantastic.
The companies are gushing
over her. Before and after
not so good.
Jacob: I don't understand.
JoJo: She stays in her room till
she is needed. No joining in
at the after parties, it's
straight back to her hotel
Jacob: Dude you've got to
remember, she isn't used
to the lifestyle.
JoJo: I know. But is she missing
out on other bookings by not
showing her presence?
Jacob: I'll talk to her. She said
she'll ring me when she's
out of the bath. Otherwise
is she ok? Is she eating ok?
Keeping her fluids up?
JoJo: We don't hang together bro.
She goes to her room and I
don't see her till we are
needed next day. I've
knocked her door and I've
rang and messaged her, and
she just says she's ok.
Jacob: When are you home?
JoJo: Another problem. They
want her in Paris,
Amsterdam and Milan from
here. Fashion houses are
going wild for her. Jacob, I
think she'll crack up. I really


(Jacob pov)

My Pixie was suffering. When on the phone to me she was bright and sunny but when she wasn't she's dull and miserable. I spoke to Tim.

"Pixie is hurting and I don't know what to do?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I told him everything. How she is with me but how JoJo says she is and now the extended tour.

"Jacob. It's a big change for her. Less than a month ago she was a hotel maid and now it sounds like people are falling at her feet. She's not going to be able to cope right away. It'll take time."

My phone rang.

Me: Hey Pixie how's things?
Romanee: They're good. But I
want to come home. I
miss you.
Me: You'll be home soon and we
can spend forever in bed.
Romanee: I'm away for another
six weeks. Six weeks
Jacob. I just want to
come home.

Six weeks. How do I tell her I won't be here when she gets back. We will be in Mallorca.

Me: Baby this is the bug bear we
have to deal with in this
business. There could be
times our schedules will
overlap so we could be apart
for months.

There was silence.

Me: Pixie are you still there?
Romanee: Then perhaps, if I'm
going to be carrying on
in this work, it's best
we break up and I find
somewhere else to live.

I felt the blood freeze in my veins.

Me: Don't say that Pixie.
Romanee: Well why be together
if we're never going to
see each other.
Me: Pixie please. We will see
each other. You're just
stressed. Everything will look
different in the morning.
Romanee: It won't Jacob. I'm
sorry I can't go on like
this. Either I'm a model
and travel the world or
I'm your girlfriend. In
your bed, by your side.
I can't do both. To be
honest, it's not my
Me: Let me meet you in Paris and
we will talk. Please Pixie
don't give up on us.

I felt sick. My heart was breaking. My girl was giving me an ultimatum. If it comes to it I'll give up my lifestyle for her.

Romanee: Ok Jacob, she sighed.

As she hung up I broke into tears and began throwing things around. Tim heard me and came into my room. I cried until I couldn't anymore.

"Jacob bro just go to her. Talk, nothing else. She loves you. I know she does."

Bene walked in.

"Tik tok bro." He muttered, handing me his phone.

There was a tik tok off Romanee. The Michael Bolton song missing you now played. A compilation of pictures of me ran. The words over it read.

' I love you smiler. I miss you'

"See I told you." Tim gave me a man hug.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now