Don't Touch My Girl!!

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(Romanee pov)

I just wanted Jacob. It really came to me how much I loved him when some of the male models came on to me, groping me. That's why I don't go to the after parties. I'd rather be alone with my thoughts.

I made my way to the roof of the hotel. The management gave me permission to sit here and watch the sunset. I feel closer to Jacob when I do. It's so relaxing and the traffic noise of Paris is not too bad.

It was here I told him that it was either me be a model or his girlfriend. I know I shouldn't have told him we would be best off breaking up. I didn't want that, but if we only get to be together less than three months in the year I didn't think it would work.

I agreed to meet him in Paris to talk. I'm not sure when he is arriving but I knew I had to be strong. If I don't look at him I can say what I want and tell him how I feel. If I look at him I would just want to be in his arms and nothing would be resolved.

I heard a noise behind me.

"Hello Pixie." His voice made me tingle.

Gripping the railings I kept my eyes forward.

"Hello Jacob."


(Jacob pov)

Climbing out of the taxi, JoJo met me in the reception. I hadn't booked a room because I could either bunk in with him or hopefully share with my girl.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"On the roof." He replied.

"What? Why?" I came to a standstill.

"Watching the sunset."

I carried on up in the lift after JoJo got out. A waiter stood by the door to the roof.

"Is it ok if I go on? Pixie is my girlfriend. I'm here to surprise her." I asked him. He agreed.

Our management had decided to leave her name as Pixie for her which pleased me as I gave it to her.

Pushing the door open I could see her standing there.

"Hello Pixie." I murmured.

She never turned but I saw her grip the railings.

"Hello Jacob."

"Aren't you going to look at me and let me see your beautiful face?" I walked slightly forwards.

She shook her head.

"If I do, we will never sort out what we need to."

I stood to the side of her but not too close. From here I could see her profile.

"I don't like seeing you hurting." I whispered. I could see tears on her cheeks.

"I can't do it Jacob. I just can't."

"Don't you enjoy the catwalks?"

"They're ok but it's the loneliness."

"Then go to the parties, have fun."

She sobbed.

"What and get mauled by the male models that think just because I'm a newbie I'm fair game."

I saw red and spun her to face me. She kept her head down

"Who touched you? Where was JoJo? Pixie look at me please?"

Her hands covered her face and I gathered her into my arms.

"Come on, let's go back to your room. We will talk there."

Once there she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I rang JoJo and got him to come to her room.

He knocked and I opened it.

"Did Pixie go to the first after show party?"

He sat down.

"Yeah. We were only there I'd say less than an hour."

"Were you with her all the while?"

He nodded. "Except when I used the restroom. Thinking about it, it was when I came out she ran up to me and said she wanted to leave. Why did something happen?"

I pulled my hands through my hair.

"Some of the male models thought she was 'available', let's say."

JoJo made an 'o' with his mouth.

The bathroom door opened and a red eyed scared girl came out.

"Hey you ok?" I gently whispered to her.

She made a half hearted smile and curled up on the bed.

"I'm just popping to the bar with JoJo. Will you be ok?" She nodded. "Do you want me to sleep here with you or shall I stay with him?" I pointed at our friend.

"With me please." She whispered.

It was as if all of her self esteem had been taken from her. I picked up her key card.

Downstairs in the bar I looked around.

"Those are the models there." JoJo pointed over to a bunch of six lads. Some I had previously worked with. We walked over. They looked at us and I put on a smile for them.

"Jacob, how's things?" One asked.

"It was fine till I just had some rather upsetting news." I told them.

"Not too bad I hope." Another said.

"Well it's all according. I've just heard that my girlfriend was groped by some undesirables. As you can guess I'm not happy."

"Shit man, is she ok? Anything we can do?"

"You've already done enough." I told them. Leaning forward I quietly yelled.

"Any of you touch her again I'll personally chop your f**king fingers off."

I went to walk away.

"Bro I don't understand. We don't know your girlfriend." One uttered.

I turned and looked at them.

"Oh but you do. You walk the stage with her every night. Go near Pixie again and you've been warned."

I watched as the colour ran from some of their faces. Now I know the culprits.

"You go out with Pixie? So the tik toks are real?"

"I do and they are. She is my everything. Warning stands." I turn to JoJo. "Can I grab my luggage from your room?"

On the way out we bumped into some of the female models we knew. I told them what had happened. I know they will personally make sure the guys don't get away with it. Mess with one of theirs and they make you pay.

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