I've Got You, I'm Never Letting Go

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(Jacob pov)

I stood outside the address she sent me. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. A tall guy with dark hair answered.


"Erm I'm Romanee's husband." I uttered.

"Ahh señor Jacob, please come in. I'm Alfonso. My wife Gabriella has gone to collect her but they have had to take a detour so are running behind. Would you like a drink?"

I walked into his home.

He invited me to sit and gave me the water I asked for.

"Roma, she loves you very much." He sat opposite me. I was confused with the name he called her. "Ahh, just a pet name. She is like my little sister" He smiled. "All this time apart has been unfortunate I understand."

I nodded, not really wanting to go into much detail. Then the door opened and a dark haired woman came in, talking super fast in their language. I understood the word hospital.

"Is Romanee ok?" I stood up.

"Si, si, just a cut, all sorted." Alfonso smiled as if it was a usual occurrence. He introduced me to his wife before she left the room.

Pixie came in her hand strapped.

"S**t." I ran towards her. "What happened?"

"Tired. I slipped with the knife." She sat down.

I huffed and stomped about. Alfonso and his wife left.

"You are coming home where I can look after you. No arguing."

"Who do you think you are ordering me about?" She spat at me.

"Your f***ing husband or have you forgotten that?" I stood in front of her.

Her good hand came into contact with my face with such force my head spun to the side. I glared at her. She covered her face and began to cry. Pulling her into my arms I held her tight, my chin resting on her head, my one hand stroking her hair.

"Shhhh shhhh baby." I whispered.

"I...I've h..hurt y..you so mu...much..." she sobbed.

"And you can hurt me forever but I'll still love you." I stood holding her as the door opened.

"Daddy." A small voice made me turn. Toby walked towards us. "Mommy."

I bent down and lifted him up.

"Hey big guy." I smiled at him.

"Mommy crying."

"It's ok. Mommy just got a poorly hand. She'll be ok. Shall we look after her?"

He nodded his little head.

"And Gigi."

"Yes. Daddy take you home and look after all of you."

Pixie pushed away and walked out of the room.

Alfonso came in carrying a light browned haired little girl with hazel/green eyes.

"Gianna?" My breath caught in my throat. She was perfect.

"Gigi." Toby pulled me towards them.

"Roma is with Gabriella. Here take your daughter."

I held my arms out and she lent towards me. I felt the wetness of tears on my cheeks as I held her against me.

"She is like Roma but has your eyes." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "She will be ok."

"I want her to come home with me. I need to be there for them. I don't think she wants to come."

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now