And Baby Makes....

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(Romanee pov)

They got through the pregnancy together. If he had to go away one of the other boys stayed close to me or if they were all away I went to his moms.

Now lying in bed, I watched his sleeping face. His eyelashes fanned over his cheek, mouth slightly open.

For the last three and a half hours I had been having light contractions. But now they are getting stronger and closer together.

Going into the bathroom I rang the maternity unit and explained what I was experiencing. They told me that when they were getting ten minutes apart I was to make my way in. At the moment they were fifteen minutes apart.

Slipping out of the bedroom and into the kitchen I noticed Bene asleep on the sofa in front of the TV, remote in his hand.

Making a bowl of fruit and yoghurt I sat at the table and ate it before going back to the bedroom and showering. Here my waters broke. Ok they were close to ten minutes apart now.

Collecting the ready hospital bags from the cupboard in the hallway I woke Jacob.

"It's time." I whispered to him.

"For what? We haven't anything planned until after Christmas except tiktoks." He groaned and turned over and snuggled back down. "What time is it anyway?"

"3.20. and it's ok I can go alone." I stood up and walked out of the bedroom. Then a minute later...

"PIXIE!!!" He stood in the hallway naked.

"You need to put clothes on, or you won't be allowed in the hospital." Laughing I walked off with the bags, smiling as a half asleep Bene wobbled to his room.

"Where are you going?" He yawned.

Jacob staggered up the hallway trying to pull on a shirt and his sneakers at the same time.

"Hospital and calm down Jacob, it's still going to be a while. I'll grab you some food." I headed to the kitchen.

"Wow, she's so calm about it." Bene walked off. Then stopped suddenly and spun around.


"Shhh. Go to bed. I'll get Jacob to ring you once it's over." I kissed his cheek, then headed to the car where Jacob was waiting after putting the bags in the boot.

"Let's go." I grimaced as a strong contraction hit.

Inside, Bene decided to wake everyone at once. He stood in the hallway with an air horn, blasting it. Four doors opened and cursive words rang out.

"Shush." Bene yelled, quieting them down. "Who hasn't come out?"

They all looked at each other then Julien mumbled "Jacob."

"Moreover Rommy. She would be kicking your ass." Luis said.

"Exactly," Bene grinned. "Jacob's just taken her to the hospital. Babies coming."

It was like a party where the boys hugged each other bouncing around.

"What should we do? Should we go, or should we stay and wait." Tim asked his friends.

"Rommy said she would get Jacob to ring when it was all over" Bene walked to the kitchen. "But I'm not going to sleep now, not while I know she's in there. So I'm going to make myself some breakfast and sit and eat it."

"It's 4:00 in the morning and you're going to eat breakfast?" Julien pulled his hands through his bed hair.

"Rommy had breakfast before she even woke Jacob up."

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