Say You'll Be Mine

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⚠️( Some sexual content)

(Jacob pov)

Is this really happening? I've dreamt about this for weeks, her lying next to me naked. But I don't know what to do. Do I touch her? Do I wait for her to touch me? Or what?

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" she said. "That's what you said at the beach."

I turn my head to look at her.

"Oh yeah. How do you fancy coming to Germany when you finish here? You can come and stay with me and the guys. To be quite honest, me and Tim have got some ideas but we need you in Germany to be able to put them into action. But I do need to get some photos of you. I could have taken one today actually at the beach with you in your bikini, maybe if we go tomorrow."

"Can I think about it? I probably will come, but can we see how the next couple of days go first." He smiled and moved his head forward and kissed my nose.

"Pixie you can have all the time in the world, as long as your answer is yes." She laughed. "I love it when you laugh. I love it when you do anything. I just don't like to see you sad." I told her.

"So what happens next?' she enquired, shuffling nervously. I turn my body to face her.

"What would you like us to do? Would you like me to just kiss you? Would you like me to just hold you? Would you like me to touch you or would you like something more intimate?"

She bit her bottom lip and I felt my c**k harden.

"Pixie if you keep doing that it's going to be more intimate. You don't realise what it does to me." Her eyes glistened and she'd bit it again. "Pixie." I warned her. Her tongue came out and licked her lips. That was my undoing. Gently I took her chin and moved her face towards me. My lips claimed hers, my hands slowly touching her neck, moving downwards towards her breasts, playing with her hardened nipples.

"Shall I relax you first before the main event?" I smiled cheekily, and she nodded."You've done this before haven't you?"

My one hand slid between her legs and she was soaking wet. "You've touched yourself haven't you?"

She nodded. My fingers slowly slid between the folds and found her bundle of nerves, circling it and putting a little pressure on, I felt her shudder.

"Relax baby, I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered before taking her lips with mine. My fingers sliding inside her wet core.

Her small whimpers and moans made my c**k harder.

"I want you Romanee. I think you want me too. Shall we take it further?"

Her eyes flicked up to mine and I saw a look of fear in them.

"Baby, I can't say it won't hurt. I understand the first time for a girl is a little painful, but I'll be as gentle as I can I promise."

Reaching down to my bag, I pulled out a box of condoms (yeah Tim made sure I was prepared). Tearing one off I opened it and slid it onto my rigid c**k.

"Just relax baby. I'll try my best to make it feel good for you." I positioned myself between her legs, putting the tip towards her entrance.

"I love you Jacob." she whispered.

"I love you too Pixie, every little inch of you."

Slowly I push myself in, first the crown then a little of the shaft. God she was so tight.

"Ok baby, this is it. Are you ready?" Already I could see a tear in her eye. "Just hold on to me. If it hurts too much I'll stop, ok?" Quickly I push forward hoping the quickness makes the pain easier. As she cried out, I covered her mouth with mine kissing her. I lay still.

"Ok baby. Are you alright? Do you want me to carry on?"

She nodded. I began slowly, withdrawing a little, then pushing back in, over and over until I felt her tighten around me. I knew she was nearing her climax.

"I'm going to quicken up a bit now ok?' I told her as my thrusts became more intense.

"Oh my god Jacob yes." She cried as we both tipped over the edge at the same time.

I rolled carefully off her and removed the full condom.

"Please don't hate me now." she whispered, her face buried in my chest.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. "How can I hate you? I love you more than ever."

"But we hardly know each other and we've just had sex."

I felt a tear drop on my chest.

"Pixie, we know each other well. Yes we've only spoken over the phone for the past 3 months, but we know everything about each other, and now we know even more. I told you I've wanted you since London. And we didn't have sex. I made love to you. I didn't rush it, we didn't go crazy. That was love. Before you ask, that's not a one off, there will be more times, more of what we have been today, even more passionate and even faster times let's say. But however, I love you."

She curled into me and I held her tight. We fell asleep.


(Romanee pov)

Sex with Jacob was fantastic, better than in my dreams. I woke curled in his arms. Pulling my head back, I watched him sleep. His dark hair is a mess on the pillow, his long eyelashes fanning on his cheeks.

"Like what you see?" he asked. I giggled.

"I thought you were asleep. Yeah it's ok?"

"Only ok? Cheeky Pixie." He tickled me.

"What do you want to do for dinner?" I asked him.

"Let's get dressed up and go out." He smiled. "I'll take you to the little restaurant down the road. How about that?"

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I can get something brought here."

He looked at me.

"Let's go out. But first I want to know something."

I lent up on my elbow and looked at him.

"What would you like to know, oh master?"

"Well would you like to be my girl, like really be my girlfriend. We've known each other now for 3-months and believe me I wanted to be your boyfriend for the full 3-months. Please say yes." I looked at him.

"Is this because we had sex or..." "Pixie even before we had sex I wanted you as my girl. I want you for more than my girl, I said I've wanted you since London. For now we'll take it slow."

His phone began to ring.

"It's the boys." he picked it up. It was a video call. I pulled the cover over my head and moved down out of view. He laughed.

"Hey guys."

"How's it going?" Tim called.

"Well I got myself a Pixie."

"Where is she?" Bene asked.

I felt the cover be pulled off my head and the phone was in my face. I had my head on Jacobs abdomen. I waved.

"Hi guys." I pull the cover back over me to tons of laughter.

"Did we interrupt something?" I heard. "No," Jacob said, "We were thinking about it but we have to go for dinner. So don't get ringing for the rest of the night. It won't be answered."

I jumped out of bed grabbing the towel from the floor and heading back to the bathroom. A super fast shower later, I met Jacob wandering in naked.

"Get dressed up baby, let's make a night of it." He smiled.

"I'll wear the dress you bought me, how about that?"

"Perfect. Won't be long." He kissed me and went into the shower himself.

He dressed in black trousers and a white button down shirt. I wore the dress as I said I would. As I sat pulling on my sandals there was a knock to the door.

"Shall I get it?" He asked, striding over. I nodded.

He kissed me as he passed.

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