Not Long Now

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(Jacob pov)

I ran from the mansion as soon as I got the phone call. I couldn't wait to see her to see how she feels about being a mummy. Parking up quickly, I ran through the car park and into the hospital. The nurses nodded as I ran past and towards her room.

She was sitting up in the chair looking through the window.

"You nearly forgot to turn into the hospital didn't you?" She smiled.

I noticed she could see the main road from her window.

"Yeah nearly. Hello beautiful, where have you been hiding for the past week." I pulled my hand through my hair and smiled.

"I was away with the fairies." She laughed.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her soundly.

"You've had us all worried sick. Especially poor Bene who found you. He was in such a state when he rang me. But bless him, he got you into hospital quickly."

"How are you feeling about the news?" she asked.

"I'm overjoyed. How about you?" I looked at her. She turned away.

"I've got to have another scan tomorrow to determine better how far I am gone. Jacob you do realise that I might not..."

"You're going to be fine. I've spoken to the doctors and they have said because they know your condition, they will be ready with everything that you will need. You are not getting away from me that easily Mrs Rott."

I went back to the hospital the next day to be with her for the ultrasound. I watched her face when she saw the tiny blip on the screen.

"Yes I'd say about two and a half months, maybe nearer 3." The sonographer smiled. "So that makes your baby due I'd say not long before Christmas."

Slowly I pushed her back to her room. "The doctor said I can be home in 48 hours." She told me. "I think I'm going to have to do a lot of pre-christmas baking if what they say is right."

"Oh no. No, no, no. You can sit in a chair and tell us what we need to do. We'll do the baking." She just laughed.

"I've got 6 months to do it all, I think I'll be able to manage as long as I take it slowly. As good as you guys are at cooking, we want a decent Christmas meal. Jacob you know we're going to have to look for somewhere of our own once the baby is here don't you? We can't just bring a family up in the mansion with everyone."

"I'll look into it. We will wait to move though until you are well enough to when it is here. I don't want you stressing." I told her.

She came home the next day

Drs were pleased with her recovery. I must admit I fussed over her maybe a bit too much over the past week, which earned me the sharp edge of her tongue and a slap up the head off Tim.

"Give her space dude. You're suffocating her." He took me to one side.

"I'm just scared. I don't want her to be ill again." I looked over at her as she talked to Luis. "She is just so perfect. You know that there's a chance..."

"She did tell me. But the hospital will be waiting. Has she told you that she is going to have her blood in storage ready for the day."

I nodded.

"She's thought of everything."

Tim walked over to her and Luis. I just watched her. She smiled and laughed. Her energy was electric even after her illness. But my love for her grew more and more. My phone pinged.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now