Is it......Over?

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(Romanee pov)

I spoke to Julien while I was waiting to board the plane. I was angry and I think I came across wrong. I told him that Jacob made love to me, roughly, biting me all over. Well actually he did. But I enjoyed it, I'm just confused as to why and I'm angry about it . After the plane had taken off, I rang the one of them that would understand Tim.

Tim: Rommy are you ok? How
badly did he hurt you?

Me: Tim please listen to me.
Yes, Jacob was rough with
me, he bit me a lot but... well
I liked it. My head is so
confused. I want to scream. I
still love him I'll never stop.
Don't be mad at him please.
I'm leaving the mansion and
going away for a while to get
things straight and start my
next project. Be there for him
till I'm home please. That's if
he will still want me.

Tim: Rommy he hurt you no
matter what. Luis hit him.

Me: WHAT!! No no don't hit him
he's done nothing to deserve
that. Explain to them that
I was angry on that text. He's
going to need all of you for a
while. I love all of you.

Tim: Ok Rommy I'll explain. Keep
in touch and don't be away
too long, we all miss you
and love you too.

Once I got to the mansion I packed another bag and after ringing the agency leaving them a lengthy voice mail, I set out to my new home in Rome where I am going to begin the start of my own business.

My apartment is large and overlooks the busy streets.

Here I worked hard for the next six months. I spoke regularly to the boys although Jacob was regularly not there. I tried ringing him but he never answered but sent texts saying he'd ring when he could. Tim said he was working a lot to be able to cope with my absence. I missed him too but my work kept me busy and my mind off the fact that we were drifting apart.

Eventually my product was on the market and I climbed aboard a plane to Berlin. I booked into a hotel local to the mansion and once settled I walked to the mansion. Walking in the gates they were playing basketball in the courtyard. I stood watching them, laughing and joking. Bene was the first one to see me. I smiled as they all turned around. I walked forward.

"Rommy." Luis ran towards me.

"Hello." I smiled.

"Let me look at you." He spun me around till I was dizzy. I laughed.

"You've not grown any." He stopped me.

"If you keep spinning me like that I'll get shorter." I held on to him.

The others gathered around hugging me and asking me questions.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked as we walked to the apartment.

"Zurich. Got the omega show." Bene smiled. "He's back tomorrow."

"I think we may be over. I ring him but he doesn't answer. He says he'll call me but he never does. Then I'll ring you all and he's never here." I sighed. "I'll miss you all but if that's what he wants." Tim hugged me.

We sat and talked for a while, I explained what I had been up to.

"So how come you decided on that route?" Tim asked.

"My health. That spell I had after Milan. I got a full medical and it seems that I had got massive immune issues. So bad that if I didn't do anything then I would've never been able to have children. So I got together with fitness experts from different areas, dietitians, nutritionists, doctors and chefs and well I now have a massive range available to order. It's brilliant stuff. You can eat all your favourite foods without having to give them up while training. No need for dieting. I worked closely with Pamela."I smiled.

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