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(Jacob pov)

Securing a small box in my trouser pocket I fiddled with my shirt collar. Romanee was picking out her sandals as the door knocked.

"Shall I get it?" I asked, striding over. She nodded.

I kissed her as I passed.

Opening the door Kylie stood there.

"Oh." She looked shocked.

"Can I help?" I asked.

"I wondered if Romanee was coming out or staying in. If she's staying in you could come out with us." She smiled, twirling her hair in her fingers, her eyes f**king me.

"If she was staying in, do you think I would leave her?" I crossed my arms, annoyed at her remark.

"Oh come on." She giggled. "Who would choose bacon when there's the best steak on the menu?" She pouted.

I shook my head.

"If you're the steak I'd choose the bacon any day." She gasped at my answer.

Turning, Romanee was walking towards me. She looked stunning. I whistled at her.

"You got everything babe?" I asked.

She handed me my phone.

Taking my hand we left her room. Kylie's mouth dropped open. I lent forward.

"I think the steak you're offering has turned green."

Kissing Romanee's hand, we walked away passing the others as we did.

At the restaurant we were led to a secluded table for two and we ordered.

"You look beautiful, Pixie." I smiled at her.

"I feel like I'm in a goldfish bowl."

I will admit most eyes were on us when we arrived. Teens probably because they recognised me and men because of my girl's beauty. Women because they wanted to see what their partners were looking at.

"While you ran away to the bathroom earlier I got talking with the guys and they agreed with me. I want to do some me and you tik toks. Let our fans see that I've found my love. Tim used to show his girlfriend before they broke up and so does Julien. What do you think?"

She sat forward and looked at me.

"Well there are going to be questions asked and if I'm not mistaken we are being recorded by that girl over there so it's going to be 'who is this with Jacob Rott'. If it's not here then Kylie will out of spite."

I smiled. Lifting up my phone I sang Ed Sheeran's perfect. I pulled her round onto my lap. I made sure she was perfectly in view.

"I'll do a few more and edit them when I'm back in the room." I smiled as our dinner arrived.

Walking home we danced a little on the beach in the moonlight, my phone propped up to record us. Then I dropped to one knee.

"Romanee my Pixie. Would you wear my promise ring?" I opened the box and a dainty ring lay there. "This is to promise you I am yours and yours alone then when we are ready I will exchange it for an engagement ring then wedding ring."

"You want to marry me?" She gasped.

"More than anything in the world, when we are ready." She dropped to her knees and I slipped the ring on her finger and we kissed.

After editing I sent the clip to the others for approval. It came back with a united 'YES' and I added it to my tik toks with the pov. 'counting down the days till we are together forever'.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now