Mansion and Office

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(Jacob pov)

It was like watching a kid in a candy store. Her face was lit up as she looked around as they left the airport in Berlin. To him it was just home but to her it was her next adventure.

"Come on, let's get you home."

Even in the taxi she was hanging out the window looking around.

He smiled at her excitement.

Climbing out she looked up at the house in front of her.

"You live here? No wonder you call it 'elevator mansion'."

"Penthouse suite. There's five of us at the moment. Six with JoJo. Sometimes there's a few more. Julien's girlfriend stays over sometimes. Tims girl used to before they broke up."

Leading her in he called out but there was silence. He messaged Tim.

Jacob: Where are you all

Tim: Office. Are you back

Jacob: Just got in. Pixie is with

Tim: You want us back asap or  
         shall we drag it out?

Jacob: Give me an hour to settle
            her in.

Tim: Is that what you call it lol

Jacob: Up yours.

Tim: One hour, clock ticking.

"This is your home?" She was looking round in awe.

"Come on, I'll show you your room." He led her up the stairs.

"So I'm not sharing with you?" She stood at the top of the stairs.

"I didn't know if you would want to, you know with the others here." He looked at her. "I mean they probably expect you to but I didn't know if it would embarrass you?"

"Would it embarrass you, me sleeping in your room with you?"

He walked up to her, looking down at her.

"I'd like nothing better."

"Then take me to your room." She gulped as he took her hand and pulled her through a door.

Sixty minutes later, after worshiping her body, showers taken, redressed and the bed remade, they heard the noise of the others returning.

"Are you ready for this?" He stood and held out his hand. She smiled and took it. He stopped her, asking her to stand against the wall out of sight till he called her, as he went downstairs.

"Hey here's the loverboy. You had a good weekend." Luis asked.

"Yeah. Fantastic. I've brought a gift back."

"Not one of those awful stuffed donkeys?" Julien smiled.

Jacob looked at Tim.

"No." He whistled and Romanee walked down the stairs. Luis, Julien and Bene stood there shocked. He held her in front of him. "Guys I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Romanee."

"Hey." She whispered.

"God she is a Pixie." Bene smiled. "So you and his reprobate." Jacob hit him.

"When did you fall for him?"

She blushed and bit her lip.

"When he blew me a kiss from the hotel lift."

They all laughed and began singing 'love in an elevator'

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now