Food For Thought

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(Romanee pov)

Tim took me back to the hotel and we went to my room.

"Just move in with us." Tim said. "He won't settle if you keep coming back here."

I nodded and lifted my suitcase.

"Rommy. You are ok aren't you? I mean that contract?"

I sat by him on the bed.

"It's just a precaution. If it takes off then I want it covered incase of well... If things go right it can be a big business and if something should happen to me I don't want it to go into someone's hands who can destroy it."

"Again, why should something happen to you? Rommy what are you not telling us?"

I walked to the wardrobe and collected my clothes, placing them in the suitcase.

"I told you, I have immune issues" I sighed and looked at him. "I've a rare blood condition. I have it under control but it's still there."

Tim stood and hugged me.

"You need to tell Jacob."

"I will. Luckily it's not hereditary. So the only difficulty I'll have is when or if I have children there's a possibility they won't be able to stop the bleeding. As long as they know before the birth they can be prepared."

Wow, Tim is crying. I hugged him.

"Hey I've come to terms with it. You lot will too. I just have to be careful, you know. Just don't wrap me in cotton wool ok." I smiled. "Let's get home."

On the way we called at the supermarket so I could get some special provisions.

Tim put them away while I had a cuddle from my fiancé. It felt good to be in his arms.

"I need to tell you something." I told him. "Well you all really need to know. I've already told Tim."

I sat in between Jacobs legs as I told them all what I'd told Tim.

"Now I'm not dying, I'm just weak. I have to be careful when I bleed. I have to visit the hospital often to keep it under control. This is the reason I was/am tired a lot."

Jacob pulled me against him as the boys drifted away.

"You can't leave me." He whispered.

"I'm not going to if I can help it." I kissed his neck.

I looked into the kitchen where the boys had gathered.

"Have you eaten?"

He shook his head.

"Ok, I'm the chef tonight." I stood up.

"Stay away from knives." He followed me as I headed to the kitchen.

(Jacob pov)

I watched carefully as Pixie moved around the kitchen, freezing every time she picked up a knife. She would smile and shake her head then kiss me before carrying on. She has mixers going, blenders going, pots on the stove and a pasta machine set up.

Soon it was cooked. She dished up some amazing pasta and sauce along with salad and fresh baked bread.

"Is this one of the things you have in your range?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"In front of each of you is my special recipe pasta and sauce. Lower in calories, better for health. One full and I mean full dish, is no more than three hundred calories. The bread too is low in salt and sugar but still full of taste. I had no input in the salad, just the dressing."

Me and the boys tucked in. After the first mouthful we glanced at each other.

"Hell yeah." Bene ate like it was pure gold and he couldn't get enough. I smiled at Pixie.

"I think you have five converts." We tucked in.

Clearing the table Pixie then covered it with fruit, cake, biscuits and ice-cream.

"Same with these. All low calorie but great taste."

"You made these too?" Julien asked, tucking into a cheesecake.

She nodded proudly.

"Even the ice-cream." She smiled.

I shared my ice-cream with her. Then the guys tidied up while I sat with her.

"Smiler, don't treat me like I'm breakable, I'm not." She moved and curled up on my lap. "I've missed you." Her lips brushed my neck and she giggled as my c**k hardened beneath her.

"Er yeah. I've missed you too." I mumbled into her hair.

The boys joined us as we watched a film. Luis nudged me.

"I think it was boring for her."

Pixie was asleep. Her gentle snore made me smile. I hugged her closer.

"I can't believe she's here." I grinned, and kissed her hair. "I can't lose her boys." I whispered.

"You won't. She doesn't want wrapping in cotton wool, her words to me, but we will watch over her." Tim tapped my shoulder.

"That's right bro. She's one of us. We'll make sure she's ok." Julien lifted his head from Angelina's shoulder.

"I think it's time." They looked at me.

"Time to say goodbye to the single life."

Their grins matched mine. "Hello Mrs Rott." I kissed her forehead.

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