Luis the go between (pt 2)

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(Jacob pov)

I felt like my heart was being sliced open. Luis had gone upstairs behind Pixie. Tim and JoJo let go of me but stopped me following them.

"Sit down Jacob." Tim said and he sat on the footstool in front of me. "What happened? Everything looked happy earlier."

I cried, hard. A few minutes later I took a breath and said,

"It was, we came home and I made love to her. It was amazing. Then she told me that we were going to be apart soon for almost a year. Her business taking her one way and mine the other." I wiped my eyes. "I'm going to miss out on so many things with Toby. Him sitting up, standing, his first steps, his first tooth. I can go on. Then she walked in with her yoga pants and vest on saying she was going to the chemist and I just lost it. I had visions of men looking at her, approaching her, touching her." I groaned.

"Jacob, we know. You're like it with us."

JoJo glared at me.

"I'm not."

"You are." Tim stood. "I said the other day how good she was looking but you yelled at me, saying she was now a mom and I shouldn't look at her as anything more."

"I did that?" I was shocked.

Tim nodded.

"From then on she was wearing baggy trackies and a hoodie, hiding everything. She is still a woman, Jacob. And after giving birth one that will have issues with herself." JoJo told me. "Her body shape, her looks. Doing what you are doing will make her feel that you think she is ugly, that her body is disgusting."

"But I didn't mean... It's just that she's become more full and curvy you know. More beautiful to me so I think that others will see her the same and I can't have that. She's mine."

Tim sighed.

"Can you hear yourself? She knows she is yours, we know she is yours. You can't make demands of her."

Luis came down the stairs carrying her bags. I felt my blood boil. She followed behind carrying Toby.

Her eyes locked on mine.

"Please don't leave me Pixie. Please don't go." I cried.

"I'll be back in a few days. I just need to sort things out in my head. So do you." She told me.

"Toby." I sobbed

"Will be fine." She muttered as she left in the elevator.

It felt like my heart was being twisted in my chest.

"Help me. Please help me." I cried out begging my friends who held me up.


(Luis pov)

I drove Rommy and Toby to my friend's house just north of Berlin. Having rang them ahead of arriving they were ready when we got there.

I told Rommy to get dressed up. There was an entertainment night at the local restaurant.

"What about Toby?" She asked.

"Julia is going to take care of him."

She dressed in jeans and a flowy top.

"You look beautiful." I told her as we headed down the road to the restaurant.

Inside we sat near the window.

"Luis. What brings you here and who is your beautiful friend?" Andre, the owner, approached us.

"Just bringing my friend here for a few days. Her and her husband have had a little fight and she needs a break." I told him.

"You haven't caused the argument have you?" He winked and grinned.

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