Epilogue (5 years later)

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As quietly as I could keep them, me and the kids made Pixie some Mother's Day breakfast. In the bedroom they carefully climbed on the bed before using it as a trampoline.
""HAPPY MOTHERS DAY." They called out as she opened her eyes.
"Thank you, my babies." She hugged them.
"I ain't a baby." Toby grouched, pulling a pout "Brodie and Nils are."
I had helped the twins up onto the bed.
"Shut up." Gianna told him as she held Brodie's hand. Nils was stubborn like Toby and struggled up the bed.
"Our children are growing up." She laughed.
I took some pictures before I rang my mom. We were meeting up with her and dad later. They said they would meet us halfway as a five hour drive was long for the kids.

In the car Toby asked,
"Mom, why don't we see your mom and dad?"
She turned to look at him.
"My parents are in heaven baby. They died a long time ago."
I slid my hand onto her thigh and squeezed a little. She looked at me.
"It had to come sometime." She smiled.
"Why did they die?" He asked.
"It was an accident. They couldn't be saved." She told him.
"So you're an orphan?"
"Yes I was for a while until I met your dad and uncles. They became my family."
I turned the music up a little to stop his questioning.

Later that evening once the kids were asleep, I snuggled her against me.
"You ok? Toby's questions didn't bring back bad memories?" I asked
She kissed my neck sending electric shivers to my c**k.
"No. I always think of them on Mother's Day and Father's Day but no it only brings back good memories."
I pulled her over me and kissed her deep.
She rested her head on my neck, her chest pressed against mine, legs either side of me, her core pressed against my hardening c**k. I could stay like this forever. Thinking back over our ten years together I smiled at some of the things we got up to. Me chasing her round the living room in her underwear, then biting her a** cheek. The many sunsets and sometimes sunrises we sat and watched. The amazing sex we had, especially the first time. Then the arrival of Toby eight yrs ago, Gianna, six yrs ago and Brodie and Nils four yrs ago

We had the bad times too, but we got through them. Her illness, our arguments and misunderstandings, especially the one that almost led to us being apart forever. I'll never forget that.
"Penny for them." She whispered.
I smiled and told her just memories.
"We've had exciting lives haven't we. Yours more than mine. I was a downtrodden maid in a hotel when I met you." She sighed.
"You were a soaked beautiful Pixie when I first saw you. Now you're my beautiful Pixie and my children's mother. I'm glad I met you."
"Are you really? After everything I put you through?"
I pulled her up to look at me. Her brown hair tousled, her ice blue eyes misty with tears.
"Love conquers all." I kissed her nose.
"You've put up with a lot from me too. Always travelling, away for periods of time. We hardly see each other."
"Oh but the times we do are magical."

She snuggled back into me, and I smiled knowing what she meant.
I'm the luckiest guy on the planet. Everything I've ever wanted, ever dreamt of, I've got. A beautiful wife and family, a career in modelling and music and fantastic friends.
As the sun set I thanked the heavens for giving them to me and for that rainy day in London.


Thank you to everyone who has taken time to read my Jacob Rott story, and also to those who voted. I was amazed that so many people took the time to read it. Fingers crossed for another story sometime. THANK YOU.❤️
(Take a look at Jacobs Schmetterling)

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