They meet again

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(Jacob pov)

I told Romanee not to meet me at the airport in case I am recognised. I told her I would meet her at the hotel, she said she would be waiting.

I couldn't wait. I remembered back to two nights ago while I was talking with Tim.

"Dude, what do I do if she's a virgin?" "Bro, just take it slowly. You've never been with a virgin?"

"No. I've only really had two sexual relationships and both were broken in, as they say. But I think my Pixie is innocent."

"Just take it slowly as I said. Kiss her, stroke her, caress her. Try playing with her a little bit to see if she allows that. Then do what comes naturally, but slowly, carefully. It's going to be a little painful for her."

I messaged her to say I was in the taxi. She told me she would be on the steps. And she was. She was ultra beautiful. Her skin now golden from the sun and her hair sun bleached livened her up.

Climbing out of the taxi I put my bag on the pavement.

"Hello Pixie." I smiled.

"Hello Smiler." She stood and walked down in front of me.

"You're smaller than I remember." I looked at her. "Is that all I get after not seeing you in person for three months, an hello?"

She got on her tiptoes and placed her lips on my cheek.

"You're not into PDA?" I smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"Public displays of affection."

"Only when it's needed. Come on." She took my hand and led me inside, introducing me to her bosses.

"Where are the rest of your friends?" I asked as I placed my bag on the bed. My heart skipped a little when I saw there was just a double bed.

"Down the beach. They took the piss saying I was going to be locked up in here all weekend with my pretend boyfriend." She made quotation marks with her hands as she said the word 'pretend'.

"We can't have that. Let me get changed and we'll go to the beach too."

I pulled out my shorts from my case and took off my trousers and boxers to wear them. She turned away.

"Pixie, if we are going to pass as a couple you can't keep looking away from me and you need to kiss me... on the lips... and not just a peck."

She blushed. "And no blushing." I laughed. "Come here."

Taking her head in my hands I lowered my lips to hers kissing her slow and gentle. I felt her legs give way. "You think you can manage that?"

Her fingers were touching her lips.

"You've been kissed before?" I watched her face.

"Never like that." She whispered.

"There's plenty more of those if you want them. Come on, let's go show your 'friends' I'm real."

I took her hand and after stopping by the kitchen we headed to the beach.


(Romanee pov)

God he was here. He was standing in front of me. I kissed his cheek and took him to my room.

After telling him about my friends he took shorts from his case and removed his trousers and boxers right there in front of me. I turned my head quickly. He laughed and told me that things had to be different for us to pass as a couple. Then he kissed me.

My whole body melted. I'd've melted into a pool if he hadn't been holding me.

Eventually we headed to the beach after collecting a picnic basket from the kitchen.

He took my hand in his as we walked along.

"Can you see them?" He asked.

I looked around.

"Yeah over there messing around." I pointed to a group of about eight.

"Come on then." He pulled me into his arms. "Let's go prove them wrong."

He kissed my forehead and we walked towards them.

I saw Jenna poke Kylie who stopped and looked.

As we neared I saw her eyes widen.

"Hey guys I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Jacob." I introduced them to him.

"But you're that guy off tik tok." Kylie gushed. "One of the elevator boys."

Everyone gasped.

"That's right. I'm usually with Tim, Bene, Luis and Julien. But this break is just for me and my Pixie here. I haven't seen her in person for a while and well I can't kiss her over a video chat now can I." He replied.

Kylie looked in disbelief. Jacob lowered his head and kissed me.

"Are you joining us?" Jenna asked.

Before I could speak Jacob said.

"Sorry but I want some alone time with my girl. I'm sure you understand." He winked. "Come on Pixie, climb aboard, we'll find somewhere a little more secluded."

He crouched for me to climb on his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"You ok up there, beautiful? Let's go and get reacquainted. See you guys."

He strode off down the beach. I could feel their eyes burning into my back.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now