The Big Day

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(Romanee's vows courtesy of Shania Twain song from this moment on.)

(Romanee(2months later) pov)

The past weeks have flown by. The wedding was arranged. We were getting married in the apartment elevator from the parking garage, much to the celebrant's amusement.

"Well we started in one we may as well carry it on." Jacob grinned.

I had designed and had my dress made.

Angelina was my bridesmaid, The boys his best men.

A knock at my door made me turn.

"It's just Julien, Luis and Bene." Angelina smiled.

I pulled a dressing gown over my dress.

"Hey." I smiled at them giving them hugs.

"Just to let you know everyone is in place. JoJo has the camera ready. Jacob is pacing, his parents and Tim trying to calm him down. The celebrant has arrived and the elevator is stopped at the correct floor." Luis smiled.

"Thanks guys. Are you all ready?" I asked.

"When you are." Bene held his arm out.

I took off my dressing gown.

The three smiled.

"Shall we take a detour to my room first?" Bene laughed, winking.

"Then mine." Luis added.

Julien walked ahead with Angelina and I held Bene's and Luis's arms.

"He is going to be drooling when he sees you." Luis whispered.

We walked through the parking lot that had been closed for the wedding. Then I saw the crowds of friends and his family.

"Let's get this done." I smiled.

We watched as Julien and Angelina walked down the aisle towards the open elevator. I could just see Jacobs' head as we made our way forward.

Bene and Luis left me with a kiss on the cheek and joined them all in the elevator. Slowly I turned till I was straight ahead of Jacob.

He stood staring at me. His mouth moved saying wow and a smile crossed his face. I headed towards him.


(Jacob and Romanee pov)

His heart missed a beat as she walked from behind the crowd and she was in front of him.

The dress was perfect. It was sheer and showed off her figure but it covered what needed to be covered. He knew it was something special when he saw Bene's and Luis's faces. Her hair was pinned up with small tendrils framing her tiny face.

He wore white dress pants and white jacket, opting to go shirtless much to his mum's nagging. His hair was untamed like he had dragged his fingers through it with worry in case she didn't turn up.

Soon she was in front of him. Their eyes locked on each other. The celebrant went through their service and then said,

"The couple have made their own vows so Jacob..."

He looked down, then back into her eyes.

"Romanee, my Pixie. From the day I very first saw you I knew you were someone special. Spending time apart made me feel empty, so I made a promise to you. A promise you were the only girl for me. And you are. I've loved you from day one, and I love you more with each passing day.

We've had our bad times but the good ones outweigh them. It's now time to add to our memories as we take this next step together. I swear that I will love and protect you till my last breath. Thank you for loving me and for letting me make you mine."

The oohs and ahhs rang out. She blushed.

"Romanee." The celebrant spoke.

"Jacob I'm not good with words but I found a song I'd like to sing that says it all. Sorry everyone."

They laughed.

Music started. She breathed out a deep breath and then said,

"I do swear,

That I'll always be there,

I'd give anything and everything,

And I will always care.

Through weakness and strength,

Happiness and sorrow,

For better, for worse,

I will love you,

With every beat of my heart."

She began to sing.

"From this moment
Life has begun.
From this moment
You are the one.
Right beside you
Is where I belong,
From this moment on.

From this moment
I have been blessed,
I live only
For your happiness.
And for your love,
I'd give my last breath,
From this moment on.

I give my hand to you with all my heart,
I can't wait to live my life with you,
I can't wait to start.
You and I will never be apart,
My dreams came true because of you.

From this moment
As long as I live,
I will love you
I promise you this.
There is nothing,
I wouldn't give
From this moment on.'

She touched his face and he turned his head and kissed her palm.

For you're the reason I believe in love,
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above,
All we need is just the two of us,
My dreams came true because of you.

From this moment,
As long as I live,
I will love you,
I promise you this.
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment

I will love you, as long as I live
From this moment on."

We place the rings on each other's fingers.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Jacob took her in his arms and kissed her like he had been in a drought and she was his water source.

"I didn't know you could sing." He whispered, catching his breath.

"I can't. I must be bad, this lot has gone quiet."

All of a sudden the crowd broke into an uproar of cheers and whooping.

The boys bounced around us.

"Hello wifey." Jacob smiled.

"Hello husbandy." They kissed and everyone climbed into cars and headed to the reception venue.

In their car Jacob held Romanee's hand.

"I still can't believe you sang to me."

"The words were perfect I thought." She snuggled against him.

"Can't we go straight on honeymoon?"He asked, the bulge in his trousers was uncomfortable.

"Calm down. We have a full seven days alone." She kissed him.

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now