Tell Him Goodbye

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(⚠️ sexual content)

(Romanee pov)

The boys were great. They kept me from getting too low over Jacob being away. I flew to London with Bene. He had photo shoots and meetings and I had my first of three visits. From here Bene flew back to Berlin and I flew to Milan to meet Jacob.

At the hotel the receptionist was wary about letting me up.

"I'm his wife. This is his son." I told the stone faced man.

"You could be anyone. I'm sorry I can't let you up."

"ROMMY." I heard JoJo's voice.

"I'm glad you're here. This man won't let me go to my husband." I rolled my eyes to the heavens.

The receptionist lowered his head.

"Room 48 floor 4. I'll sort this out." JoJo pointed to the lifts.

I walked down the corridor and knocked at his door. It opened and a grin spread over his face.

"Hey my wifey and son."

"Hey my husband, and dad."

He pulled me inside and closed the door. He took Toby into his arms, then me, his lips crashing on mine.

"Tell me you've missed me as much as I've missed you." He kissed my hair.

"Oh now let me think, have I?" I put a finger to my lips. "Toby, have we missed your daddy?"

"Da da. Da da." He gurgled.

The happiness from Jacob's eyes shone.

"How long has he been staying that?" He asked.

"That's the first time. I've heard him say mum, mum, mum, mum, but that's the first time I've heard dada."

He hugged him.

"Say it again Toby." He urged.

"Da da da da da."

He went to sit him on the bed.

"No, don't do that." I said.


"Just sit him on the floor and you'll see."

Placing his son on the floor he watched as he crawled to the side of the bed and pulled himself upon to his feet.

"He's not taken a step as yet alone, but it won't be long." I grinned. "I have to leave him in his travel cot when I'm busy."

His phone pinged.

"JoJo said he'll have Toby for a while while we..."

The door knocked and Jacob opened it.

"Come on little man. Where's your bag? Uncle JoJo will take you to the ice cream shop."

"Not too much or you can clean his shitty nappies." I told him.

"Understood." They left.

Jacob walked up to me. His hand reached for me.

"It feels like forever since I touched you." He whispered into my hair.

I looked up at him.

"So why are you waiting?" I said seductively.

He forced me back on the bed, pinning my hands above my head with one hand while he unbuttoned my shirt and trousers with the other.

His eyes swept down my body.

"F**k Pixie you're f***ing beautiful. If I wasn't married to you already I'd be begging you to marry me."

Elevator Love (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now