A Chance Meeting

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(A year later/group outing)

Tim had managed to get tickets to the football match of their favourite team. Six tickets. Tim, his dad, Bene, his dad, Jacob and Julien headed to Milan for the game.
Dropping them at the stadium Tim went to park the car while they went and found their seats.
"How far away is the car park?" His dad asked.
"Not that far." Jacob said. Tim had been gone for over forty minutes and the game was due to start.
"He's here." Julien waved at him.
He looked flustered.
"Did you get lost?" His dad laughed.
He looked at Jacob. Something was worrying him.
Waiting till half time, Jacob called him over to him.
"You ok? Not enjoying the game?" They were one nil down.
"I bumped into someone when I parked the car." Tim looked down.
"An old friend? Or did you drive into someone's car?" Jacob smiled, and he sighed. "Come on man tell me "
"An old friend but they're not at the match." He told him. He laughed at Bene dancing behind him. Tim muttered.
"What?" Jacob asked straining to hear over the crown chanting.
Leaning towards Jacob, Tim shouted.
"It was Rommy." His smile disappeared and he looked at Tim. "She had Toby with her."
"Are they ok? Did they look ok? Did she say where they were staying?"
Jacob began to panic and was ready to run from the stadium.
"Jacob...JACOB." Tim shouted, grabbing me. He looked at him. "She had a baby with her too."
He froze and glared at him.
"Did...did she say..." Jacob began hyperventilating and thought he was going to die. His heart was racing and he couldn't breathe.
"I didn't ask but it's yours. A girl. She didn't say where she was staying. But she's here in Milan." Jacob walked out of the stadium. There was no way he could watch the second half when his family was somewhere close. He walked the local streets, looking. Tim ringing him brought him back to the car.

They couldn't stay after the match. They had return tickets and he had no other clothes but as soon as he got home, he packed and booked a flight and hotel to return. He messaged her.
Jacob: Tim told me. I'm coming to
Milan Pixie. Please see me.
I want to see Toby and
meet my daughter. Please.

It was an hour before there was a reply.
Rommy: Sempione Park. Friday.
Midday. By the fountain.
I'll be alone.
Jacob felt deflated.
Jacob: Why can't I see my
Rommy: In time. We need to talk.

It was a start.

The boys wished him luck as he left. He had a feeling he'd need more than luck.


(Romanee pov)

What were the odds?
Just having been to the supermarket and was walking back when he appeared in front of me. I froze not knowing what to say or do.
"Well." Was all he said.
His arms crossed over his chest. I gripped the buggy.
"Hello Tim."
"Is that it?" He fumed. "Twelve months Rommy, a whole f***ing year and all you can say is hello Tim."
"What do you want me to do? Throw a party."
I tried to push past him.
"He's here. In the stadium. Let me fetch him."
"Do what you want Tim but I won't be here when you get back."
He looked down at the buggy. Toby called daddy.
"No, this is Uncle Tim baby." I rubbed his head.
"How old?" He looked at the other seat.
"Almost six months."
He gripped me.
"And you haven't told him. Why? You've spoken, you had plenty of chances."
I laughed.
"Oh I can hear it now. Oh by the way while you've been messing around I've given you a daughter." I pulled my arm from him. "Goodbye Tim."

I could see him mentally trying to work out if it's Jacobs or not, but it is. I found out before I flew back to Germany, and I was running into the office to get him to come back to the mansion so I could give him the news. My hormones were crazy this pregnancy and I got over emotional over everything. My decisions weren't the best either.
I had to let the hospital know of my blood issues and as with Toby's pregnancy I stored my blood. I couldn't go back to Germany. I was stupid, and ran instead of finding out first. I treated him badly. I knew if I did return it would be a very tense relationship and things would end up in the divorce courts.
I cried. I'm surprised they haven't. They could still.

Tomorrow I was meeting him in the park. At least there we are out in the public.
Alfonso and Gabriella are having the kids for me. I thought it best because if things don't go well, I won't have to fight to take them away from him.
My phone pinged.
Jacob: Are we still meeting
Me: Yes.
Jacob: Thank you. I've missed
Me: See you at midday.
Jacob: Pixie, Please give us a
chance. I need you.
I didn't reply. I can't build his hopes up. I don't know for myself what will happen.

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