The Honeymoon Is Over

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(Romanee pov)

The week alone flew past. We walked on the beach, sat and watched the sunsets, swam and made love.

Lots of photos were taken. Private and to share.

At the mansion we knocked on the door, Luis answered.

"THEY'RE HOME." He yelled and they all watched as Jacob carried me over the threshold.

We answered all the questions and showed them the photos for everyone's eyes, the others stored safely in Jacobs bags.

I went to the freezers.

"Looks like I need to restock." I smiled. "I lived on fruit and Jacob this past week."

The boys stared at me, and I grinned with a blush as I realised what I had said.

A grin crossed Jacobs face as he wrapped his arms around me.

"So many good memories." He kissed my neck. "Julien you've got to take the step man. You're missing so much."

"It's been a week, Jacob. I could be chasing you round here with a knife next week." I told him.

"You leave the knives alone. I fret everytime you're in here cooking. When's your next check up?"

"Two weeks. Full blood counts and x-rays etc. I may as well get all my medication sorted too because my period is due the week after. Now I need a soak before I begin to make my list for shopping tomorrow."

I stood and walked away towards the bathroom.

Jacob followed with the luggage.

"Leave them by the bed. I'll sort out the washing once I've got out of the bath." I called from the bathroom.

"Pixie, fancy sharing?" He walked in behind me. "I kinda got used to it while away."

"Ok, but don't you want to spend time with the boys?"

"We can after the bath." He started to strip.

I gazed longingly at my husband's body. He strutted towards me.

"What's going through that pretty little head wifey?"

"Not much. It's all fogged up." I smiled as he began to undress me. "I better add more cold water or you'll be jumping out screaming when your b***s touch it." I bit my lip teasing him.

"You've got asbestos for skin I swear on it." He growled.

"You can always shower...alone."

"Get in, woman." He chuckled checking to see how red my skin had gone before putting a foot in.

"Cluck cluck cluck." I sarcastically clucked.

"Don't or you'll be punished." He chided.

"Promises promises." She laughed.

"Sing for me?" He asked.

I grinned and began.

I sang love me like you do by Ellie Goulding.

He lifted me out of the bath and locked the bedroom door.

"The boys can wait." He purred in my ear as he slid his length into me.


(Everyone(three months later))

Jacob was gathering his things to go to the office, Tim and Julien had gone to the gym before heading there too. Luis was meeting up with his design colleagues and Bene on his way back from visiting his parents.

Romanee lay in bed watching her husband.

"Are you sure you will be ok?" he asked her worriedly.

"I'm going to be fine, smiler. I just need some sleep. My body is overtired." She cuddled down under the covers. "You won't be too long anyway will you? I'll get up soon and cook something special for you all."

"You do far too much that's why you're so tired. Let us do something for a change." He sat next to her leaning forward to place a kiss on her lips.

"Ring me if you need me. Promise."

"I promise." She smiled. "Now go. The quicker you go the quicker you'll be back. I love you."

"Not as much as I love you." He stood and walked to the door.

"I beg to differ. Bye."

As he left Jacob rang Bene.

Bene: Bro is everything alright?

Jacob: Are you going back to the
mansion before coming to
the office?

Bene: Yeah I need to drop my
bags off. Why?

Jacob: Can you check on Pixie for
me? I just feel that she's
not too good.

Bene: Yeah sure bro no problem.
I'll see you soon.

He hung up and Jacob headed to the office.

Meanwhile Romanee snuggled down and fell asleep. Her body went into a total sleep coma.

Reaching the mansion, Bene quietly went inside, checking the kitchen first for Romanee, not finding her there, he took his bag to his room before going to Jacobs. He knocked on the door. "Romanee are you in?" quietly opening it, he walked inside finding her curled up in a ball under the covers.

"Hey sleepyhead are you ok?"

She didn't disturb. He shook her gently.

"Romanee, come on babes, open your eyes." Still no movement. Worriedly he placed his fingers on her jugular vein to feel for a pulse. It was there but very faint and her temperature was low. He rang for an ambulance straight away and then rang Jacob.

Jacob: Are you at the mansion? Is
Pixie alright?

Bene sighed holding back a sob. He sat holding Pixie's hand.

Bene: I've phoned for an
ambulance. I can't wake
her. She's breathing and
there's a pulse but she's so
cold. I don't...

Jacob: Don't let them take her
until I am there. Bene,
please. Don't let them take
her. I'm on my way.

Bene: I won't. But please hurry.
I'm so scared.

The ambulance was outside the mansion when Jacob arrived, followed by Julien and Tim. He bumped into them as he was leaving the office and roughly explained what was going on. So they followed him, messaging Luis on route. Jacob shot inside to his room, where Bene was arguing with the ambulance men.

"You're not taking her until her husband is here. I promised him." he shouted.

"I'm here Bene, don't worry." Jacob pushed past and found his wife lying on a stretcher, her skin pale.

He explained to the ambulance man her blood issues and they nodded, understanding what was going on.

"We need to get her to the hospital. It seems like she's drifted into some form of coma. We can find out more there." The paramedic said.

"I'm coming with you." Jacob told him, walking alongside as they carried her to the elevator.

"We'll meet you there." Bene said. "We'll just wait for Luis and grab showers." Tim told him. "Stay strong."

Jacob nodded as the doors closed and they travelled down to the awaiting ambulance.

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