Chapter 1

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??? POV

Darkness, complete absolute darkness was all around me yet I don't feel distressed at all if anything I feel more at peace than I ever felt, Did I die? Had I managed to kill myself due to overwork after the 3rd all nighter in a row? Is this the afterlife? Well if it is it's not bad at all, maybe a little boring.

As I was pondering a sudden ray of light pierced the darkness, for some reason I feel drawn by the light like an invisible force is slowly but surely pushing me towards it.

I can hear some sounds, I think they're voices, they're too muffled too make out anything but it feels like some people talking.

After some time I go through the light, at first the sudden luminosity all around me blinds me but my eyes quickly get used to it.

"It's another boy congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Leywin" said someone, judging from the tone it's probably a man around his 50s.

Wait a minute was I just given birth to? Have I been reincarnated? Oh god please don't tell me I just became the MC of a trashy isekai novel.

A man in his mid twenties holds me, he has ashen brown hair, a strong jaw, fiercely sharp brows and azure blue eyes.

He looks strong, serious and reliable

"Hi little ones, I'm your dad Can either of you two say dada?" I hear him say this to someone who was born literally 5 minutes ago, *sigh* he's an idiot isn't he?

"Rey, they were just born" said a woman who I suppose it's my mother

She has bright smile despite being obviously tired, a smile brimming with motherly love, auburn long hair and brown eyes.

She's holding another baby who's looking around curiously, he has auburn hair and bright azure eyes.

The man who's supposedly my dad holds me closer to the baby "Jade these are your twin brother Arthur and your mom Alice" he said

Wait a minute... Alice? ...Arthur? ...Rey? ...Leywin? Recalling the bits of conversations I heard in the last 10 minutes I broke in a cold sweat as realisation struck me
Please tell me I'm wrong, I take back my sentence about trashy isekais please tell me I'm in a trashy isekai novel as the MC, please.

It can't be right? I mean how rotten can my luck be? I got reincarnated in another world and the world is tbate? Couldn't I be reincarnated as the MC of those slice of life isekais that gets life in ultra-easy mode?

*Siiigh* well no use in whining or denying reality I guess, it won't change anything and well it could be worse, I could be an elf.

Ok, so I'm in tbate and I'm someone who wasn't supposed to exist, let's see if I can improve things.

First thing first I need a mana core, the war with Alacrya will start in about 14 years and I have to be strong enough to change things, because I definitely DON'T want to go through everything Arthur experience in the novel.

"All right Mr. and Mrs. Leywin everything seems to be fine, don't worry about the babies not crying albeit rare it does happen sometimes and they seem to be perfectly healthy, so let them rest for now, of course you need to rest too Mrs. Leywin" the man who I guess is the doctor that helped with our birth says this as he takes his leave.

After the doctor left Ali- mom,I guess I should just get used to call her mom, layed down in bed with me and Arthur at her sides to sleep, taking this chance I tried to recall Arthur'a words in the novel when he helps Ellie and Lilia to awaken as mages.

I close my eyes and start to focus on my breathing, inhaling deeply I fill my lungs to the top then I proceed in exhaling little by little as I do this countless little lights start dotting my vision, so this is mana huh? Let's see if I can manipulate it.

I started pulling one of the particles towards my solar plexus, to my surprise it was fairly easy it wasn't exactly fast but it didn't require much effort on my part.

I continued drawing the thousands of bits of mana in my body one at a time, after drawing 3 of them in my solar plexus they fused together in a larger shard, I guess this will be the base of my mana core

Suddenly I started feeling very drowsy, opening my eyes I check the window, since there isn't any watch, and I can see the curtains are tainted by a reddish orange light meaning it was sunset and that I meditated for a good couple of hours.

I feel completely exhausted after only a couple of hours, I guess this body has very limited stamina.
Oh well let's call it a day.

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