Chapter 11

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Jade Leywin POV


I dropped down on the bed face buried in my pillow completely exhausted, after what happened with that wolf we continued going around shops for the entire day as I was used as a mannequin.


I hear something in my mind

'That was a good nap'

I turn around and see the wolf stretching beside my bed

'So you're finally awake, mind explaining things now?'

'What do you want to know?' she asks me

'Well first your name I guess, I'm Jade by the way'

'My name is Yozora'

'Okay Yozora, how did you end up in Xyrus City and how did you get injured?'

'I have no idea how I ended up here, I was hunting when suddenly I felt something pull me after that I crashed into a barrier and when I opened my eyes I was in that alley you found me in' she explains

'Okay then what are you?'

'I am a shadow wolf' she says with a proud expression

'What's a shadow wolf?' I ask confused

'If I asked you what is a human would you be able to answer? Shadow wolves is how we call ourselves' she says a little irritated

'Okay you have a point, so any idea about what brought you here and what you're going to do from now on?'

'As I said I have no idea about what pulled me in this dimension, as for what I want to do well I'd like to go home although that might prove to be quite difficult' she say nonchalantly

'Did you just say this dimension? Does that mean you're from a different world?!' I ask flabbergasted

'Why are you so surprised? Aren't you from a different world as well?' she says confused

'How do you know?' I ask her my mental tone getting darker and suspicious

'I have access to your memories thanks to our bond you should know that'

'Oh right, sorry'

'To answer your previous question yes I am from another world'

'Do you know how to go back?'

'Yes and no, right now I can't go back, I lost almost all of my strength when I crashed through the dimensional barrier and honestly even at full power I wouldn't be able to force my way through, that said I have seen something in your memories that might be able to help me'

'What is it?' I ask her wondering what could possibly help her traveling through dimensions

'Your brother, from what I have seen he will gain the means to manipulate space in the future, if he reaches a high enough proficiency in that he should be able to help me go home' she explains

'So you're just planning to stay here for the next ten or so years, won't people be worried about your disappearance?'

'No differently from you humans, shadow wolves lead solitary lives we only come together in order to mate and stay together only until our offspring is strong enough to be independent, also don't worry I don't plan to simply take advantage of your generosity I want to make a deal with you; once your brother will acquire the means to send me home you'll ask him to do so until then I will do everything in my power to help you in your endeavor of keeping your family safe' she declares proudly

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