Chapter 70

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Mai Grephin POV

Tess and I rushed towards Bilal and we both activated the 1st stage of our beast wills, Jade told us to not use them since this will be a prolonged battle but this guy isn't someone we can take on without going all out

I felt a familiar surge of power come from my core as the usual warmth spread throughout my body, I could feel my affinity with wind increase and my senses getting sharper

I slashed with my daggers and sent two wind blades towards Bilal, he simply blocked them with the acid blades that came out of his hands, Tess threw a handful of seeds and conjured a small gust of wind to spread them all around us

"Who do we have here? Princess Tessia Eralith and Mai Grephin huh? I heard you have quite the close relationship with that Lance over there, maybe if I kill you he'll come and fight me, he'll definitely be more entertaining than this trash here" Bilal scoffed

"Pray that you'll never cross him on the battlefield retainer because you'll be dead in a matter of minutes otherwise" I taunted him, now that I'm in front of him I can tell this guy is a lot weaker than Jagrette

"We'll see who will die after I show him your corpses!" he dashed and lunged at me with one of his blades forward

I sidestepped and used my left dagger to deflect his blade just enough so he wouldn't hit me, I slashed at his neck with my right dagger, before my attack could connect green acid emerged from his neck and coalesced in an armor making my attack slip harmlessly on it

I heard a sizzling sound and looked at my daggers, I saw that they were slowly being corroded by Bilal's acid despite the layer of wind I covered them with, I jumped backward in order to put some distance between us, he tried to go after me but was kept in place by a barrage of wind bullets fired by Tess

"Any idea about how to get past that annoying armor of his?" Tess asked me as I landed beside her

"Not really, Jade used non-physical attacks like soundwaves and lightnings or simply relied on the  ridiculous firepower of attacks like [Railgun] against Jagrette but we can't do something like that" I replied

"This is a fight not a tea-party, less chitchatting and more fighting!" Bilal shouted as he charged at us once again

Tess conjured some vines that wrapped around him pinning him on the ground, I prepared dozens of wind bullets and fired them at him, despite my bullets hitting him they bounced off his acidic armor leaving him unscathed

"HAH!" Bilal broke free of the vines entangling him and resumed his charge

Tess and I combined our spells and created a powerful headwind to slow him down, we jumped out of the way and fired another volley of wind bullets and blades, they all bounced off his armor

Dammit at this rate we'll run out of mana before we can do any damage to him, if long range doesn't work we'll have to try close range

I charged at him enclosing my daggers in a cocoon of wind to protect them from his acid, he slashed horizontally with his right arm, I dropped on my knees avoiding his slash and plunging my dagger into his side and taking it out before the acid could affect it

Bilal howled in pain and tried to hit me with his left blade but a vine came up from the ground coiling around his wrist and stopping him long enough for me to get up and slash at his open back before jumping away

"I'll make sure to dissolve you slowly and painfully in my acid you bitch!" Bilal spat out as he attacked me

He launched a flurry of attacks at me, I opted to dodge everything since I couldn't block or deflect his blows without damaging my weapons, he was definitely a skilled warrior but nothing special, mom and Jade are far more skilled than him so with Tess conjuring vines to help me and by using the air pressure trick Jade taught me I managed to come out unscathed

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